7 Creative Ways To Use YouTube Videos In Your Online Training Course

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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The secret to a successful online training course is great content, obviously.

But if you want to attract more people to your training, you’ll need to create an online environment that encourages sharing and community.

Online video course sites, like Udemy, Lynda.com, and Skillshare are growing. And the total number of students on these sites is now tens of millions.

Whatever way you choose to use the video in your marketing materials, the goal is to increase the open rate of your email series or improve the conversion rate of your landing pages.

Youtube is a serious marketing platform. It is a platform where you can promote your brand in a truly visual and engaging way.

If you have not yet built your online audience (or, even more likely, if you have not invested much in nurturing your audience), here is what you should do.

Creative Ways to Use YouTube for Online Training Course

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

1. Include a video in theonline training course introduction

You can share an inspiring quote or just talk about the course and why it’s important.

This will get people engaged and interested in the material before they even start reading or watching anything else.

It will also help them to get used to the idea of watching videos, which is something that you want them to do, otherwise, they will never make it through your course. They will also become a more active user.

2. Encourage interaction by using video polls

Use this opportunity to bring everyone together as a community of learners and give them something to look forward to with each new lesson.

Creating videos can be a great way to draw learners into your course and increase their engagement.

The more you get them to interact with you and each other, the more they will become part of your community and feel invested in the course.

And the more invested they are, the more likely they are to want to learn.

People want to learn, be entertained, and engage with your brand through video. So be sure to follow these tips to get the most out of your YouTube marketing strategy.

3. Use your own videos as “chapter headings” in online training course

The videos can be short clips of you talking about the main topics covered in each section, or longer videos where you discuss more detailed aspects of the material at hand.

Your students will appreciate having a “video roadmap” for navigating through their learning experience!

This will also make your course more interactive, and more fun to follow!

When you provide your audiences with templates that save them time and help them succeed, they are more likely to engage with your content in the future.

Note: It’s okay to use pre-recorded videos (such as YouTube videos) in your online training courses.

But don’t use copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder. That would be a copyright violation.

4. Try to incorporate video questions

If you are going to use video in your quiz, then make sure that you’re asking students to watch the videos before taking the quiz.

This will give them a chance to get used to using the videos as part of their learning experience and make it more likely that they will watch them in the future.

Remember, people will only watch a video if they’re going to learn something from it.

By giving them a chance to see the videos first, you can increase the likelihood that they will view them.

If you don’t have time to create a video for your quiz, then consider adding some quizzes that ask students to type in the answers.

This way, they can go straight to their computer and start answering the questions without having to watch the videos first.

Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels.

5. Use a series of short video clips

It is possible to make short videos to improve student learning through online education. Your short videos won't be interrupted by ads, which will keep the user focused on the content for your online courses.

The most helpful summaries will be selected by you or your team and used as part of the course material for later lessons. This will encourage students to watch more videos and think critically about what they’re learning.

Note: Make sure to choose students who will be responsible for creating their own summaries, as well as uploading them to YouTube.

If you do this, be sure to include a message in the body of the video (as well as on the video’s description page) asking students to share their summaries with you and your team.

Also, note that YouTube has a built-in feature that allows students to link their videos directly from the video description page, so don’t worry about it being easy for students to upload their videos.

6. Make one of your online training lessons into a “video quiz”

Students have to go through a series of online training modules (videos) and answer questions about what they’ve learned so far before they can continue with the rest of the course material.

Instead of having students wait for the next video lesson to start, let them watch a short video about a particular topic, like “how to take notes during an online training course” or “how to take notes during a live class.”

Then ask them to watch another short video about something different and make sure they can answer the same questions.

7. Make articles or blog posts into videos

When you have an online training course where all of the content is based on articles or blog posts, you can make those articles or blog posts into videos and use them as a supplement to the rest of the course material.

For example, if you have a course about SEO techniques, you could turn each article or blog post into a video that gives more detailed information about the topic at hand.

You can also create videos that summarize or highlight a blog post so that your audience has many ways to digest your content.

Sharing Video on Social Media

Video is an extremely effective tool for learning and communicating ideas.

It’s also easy to share on social media platforms like YouTube, which means that your online training courses will reach more people than ever before.

YouTube is not only popular with your audience, but it is also the second-largest search engine on the internet. Therefore, YouTube can help you improve your SEO and overall brand presence.

So it is always a good idea to increase your following beyond YouTube by using social media marketing.

Crafting Video Plan

Before you develop a plan, you should clearly define the target audience, or buyer persona, that you are targeting. This is especially important for those people who are just beginning to market themselves or new to marketing.

By knowing who your target audience is, you can write more relevant, valuable, and relevant content for them. That is what they'll enjoy reading and converting to.

Before we dive into the details of managing a YouTube channel, it is important to note that maintaining a YouTube channel requires a lot of time and planning.

You must put in place the time, the organization, and the creativity necessary to run a successful content marketing strategy, especially for YouTube Marketing.

If you dedicate enough time and energy to using that platform, you will be able to create engaging and shareable content for your growing audience.

Reach Potential Students with Cudy

Cudy is a marketplace that offers content sharing services, including the option for tutors to create their own videos, articles, and other quality content.

Cudy enables you to reach out to potential students in the most possible efficient way. Create your account now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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