Competency-Based Training: The Why and How for eLearning Success

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

Competency based training: The why and how for eLearning success

What is Competency-Based Training?

Competency-based training is a way of structuring learning in a specific area. Competencies are skills, knowledge, and behaviors that learners need to master in order to be able to do something.

The following are examples of different competencies:

Communication skills, such as listening, speaking and writing Technical skills, such as repairing or maintaining equipment or machinery.

Management skills, such as managing people or budgets.

We define each competency in terms of specific knowledge and skills. For example, a competency for communicating might include identifying the appropriate audience, defining the purpose of the communication and choosing an appropriate medium.

A technical competency might include knowing how to use tools for soldering wires onto components or mounting components on a board. A management competency might include planning work activities or working with others in a team environment.

We combine the different competencies into sets called "domains" which represent broad areas of knowledge or skill.

Why competency based training eLearning success?

Why Competency-Based Training is Effective

There are several reasons why using competency-based training is an effective way to create eLearning.

1. It reduces training time and costs

Competency-based training requires less time and money than other types of training. This is because the learners learn the skills that they need for a specific job in the real world, rather than learning general skills that may not be relevant to their job.

Therefore, learners can learn what they need faster, and with less money spent on developing the course material.

2. It increases learner motivation and engagement

Learners are more motivated to complete competency-based training because they see how their knowledge and skills will help them do their job better. They see how it will make them more productive, effective or successful at work.

Learners also engage themselves more in the learning process because they know what we expect of them when they finish a course or module. This gives them a sense of purpose in learning and makes it easier for them to complete their assignments successfully.

3. It makes eLearning more efficient for organizations

It helps organizations achieve specific business goals by increasing productivity, effectiveness or performance in key areas such as safety, quality or cost-effectiveness (see below). It provides employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their jobs.

It can assess employees for promotion or for transferring them to another department or job.

4. We can align it with workplace performance standards and expectations

By structuring eLearning around real-world competencies, it is easier to ensure that we align the eLearning content with organizational standards and expectations.

5. It reduces training costs by eliminating unnecessary training content

One of the biggest problems with traditional classroom training is that it tends to be very broad and generic, covering many different topics rather than focusing on specific areas of knowledge or skill (for example, customer service skills).

How is Competency-based training eLearning Successful?

The best way to create a competency-based training eLearning course is to first define the competencies necessary for a specific job or task. Then you can design a course that focuses on teaching the skills and knowledge required for each competency.

You can also evaluate the course by testing whether learners are able to do what they need to do in their jobs after completing the course

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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