Coping with the Parental Stress of PSLE


Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023


Many parents have reported being extremely stressed out about their child’s PSLE, even if they are not in the top cohort. Major exam pressures are so great that some parents feel their childs PSLE will determine their career path.

Some are concerned that their child may not do well enough to get into the secondary school of their choice.

Other parents are having doubt that their child may not cope with the high-pressure environment and high expectations.

Stress levels may rise to a point where it becomes difficult for parents to cope with the pressure, which can result in poor performance in PSLE. This article aims to share tips on how to cope with the parental stress of PSLE.

Tips to Help You to Cope with Parental Stress during PSLE

Remind yourself that your child is doing his best. It is common for parents to be overly critical of their children during exams or important life events.

So be mindful of this tendency and make an effort to reassure your child and praise him for his efforts, rather than chastising him for making mistakes. Some unnecessary stress can be caused by minor matters. It is important to avoid excessive worrying.

If you keep a close eye on your child’s progress throughout the year, you will have a better idea of how he will fare in his exams.

Avoid being judgmental about other parents or getting caught up in competition with them – it can lead to more stress than it’s worth!

Primary school student stress can also be caused byparental sensitization. This is the phenomenon where parents become so concerned about their childs PSLE performance that they make unrealistic demands on him, which cause stress and anxiety.

Focus on what you can control – mainly, yourself and your own actions and attitude towards the exam period.

Don’t forget to look after yourself as well – don’t neglect your own health or well-being while fretting over your child’s performance.

Find a trusted friend or family member who can help you talk through any concerns you have about your child or about how he is handling the pressure of the exam period.

Family life is already full of many pressures, so your child needs all the support he can get. Try to enjoy your childs success in his exams, and do not take it personally if you do not see him performing to his full potential.

A little support from someone who isn’t too close to the situation can be invaluable during stressful times like this! Enjoy the educational journey together. A growth mindset will serve your child well in the long run.

Keep in mind that the academic success of your child is not dependent on you. Even if your child fails to perform well in the PSLE, he will be able to do well in other aspects of his life.

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