What makes a trainer exceptional?

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

What makes a trainer exceptional?

A trainer is a coach, counselor, and teacher. In the classroom or in the field, trainers must be able to inspire and motivate learners, as well as facilitate learning.

When people think of training, they think of trainers teaching a class or conducting a seminar. Trainers are also called upon to help individuals improve their performance by working one-on-one with them or by leading teams in improving their skills.

Because the field of training is so broad, there are many different types of trainers. In general, there are two categories: instructional and noninstructional.

The two main types of instructional trainers are classroom teachers and subject matter experts (SMEs). A classroom teacher teaches learners about the basic principles of a subject area through lectures and discussions; meanwhile, SMEs focus on teaching learners how to do something through hands-on demonstrations or practical application exercises.

There are many different job titles that fall under these two categories: instructors, teachers, coaches, facilitators, educators, mentors—the list goes on and on. Some organizations may use different terms for the same position (for example, “trainer” versus “instructor”).

Some organizations use different terms for what may appear to be the same position (for example, “trainer” versus “coach”). It is important to know what the organization considers to be the different job titles, and it is also important to know the definition of each job title.

Some trainers are called upon to provide training to small groups in a classroom setting. Other trainers are called upon to provide training on the job.

Regardless of where the training takes place, all trainers must have strong interpersonal skills and understand adult learning principles.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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