PSLE Results Release: 5 Things You Need To Remember

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

PSLE Results Release: 5 Things You Need To Remember
The Ministry of Education (MOE) said in a statement on Friday (Jan 5) that the PSLE results are out. PSLE or Primary School Leaving Examination is the final assessment in primary school. Primary schools should give their students a fair assessment to make sure they are prepared for secondary school. So what are the 5 things you need to remember after getting your PSLE results?

Here are Five Things You Need to Remember:

1.The overall cut-off point for this year’s PSLE is 161.5, which is 0.5 points higher than last year’s cut-off point of 161.

MOE said that students who scored 162 will be placed in Express stream, while those who scored 161 will be placed in Normal (Academic) stream and Normal (Technical) stream respectively. The remaining students will be placed in the Express stream and will have to take the subject combination exercise before they can secure a place in secondary school next year.

2. A total of 1,027 students received perfect scores of 320 or above.

Along with boys accounting for 76 per cent of these perfect scorers. Girls accounted for 24 per cent of them, while non-Chinese speakers made up just 2 per cent of them.

3. Students can check their PSLE results at or at http://resultsinfo@moeonlinegoeis01_com from 8am on Jan 6 to 7pm on Jan 7 next week (Friday to Sunday).

Parents or guardians can also check their children’s results via mobile phone by downloading the mSis app or by calling 1800-888-1526 during the same period .

4. MOE said that students who do not achieve their desired PSLE grades can still apply for secondary schools.

Under MOE’s Post-Secondary Education Placement Exercise using their O Level examination results and National Technical Certificate examination results as well. As other information such as character and co-curricular activities records which they had submitted earlier through the post-secondary education application portal. PSLE Online Application System(OLAS). OLAS opened on Nov 13 last year and closed on Dec 22 last year.

5. Secondary schools will not allowed the exceeds capacity quotas set by MOE this year as well as all oversubscription criteria.

Students who has placed in schools above the quota will get allocation to other schools . Students who took the exam last year had told Channel NewsAsia that they were happy with their results, even though some felt that they could have done better. A mother of a Primary 5 student said that she is very proud with her daughter’s PSLE results. Even though it was lower than her expectations. She added that she would let her daughter take a gap year before starting Secondary 1. National examinations like PSLE are used by many schools to select the best students for secondary school. The school of choice is also dependent on the results of the PSLE. A student who performs well in his PSLE will be more likely to gain admission into the school of their choice. Therefore, a deeper understanding of study techniques and learning methods of PSLE are needed for all students to perform well in the PSLE. Cudy is an online marketplace where you can find the best tutors to assist you in preparing for university entrance exams and improving your grades. The tutor will help you with any topic you're having trouble with. Cudy also has tutors from the world's best universities, so you don't have to worry about their reliability.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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