Collaborative learning is one way to help students construct their own knowledge and share it with others. This activity is an important element in student success.
This type of learning involves students being able to identify and respond to the needs of their own and others’ learning. Students learn to be responsible for their own learning, become more responsible for the knowledge of others, and demonstrate their ability to make a contribution to an endeavor.
Questions to Ask Before Using Collaborative Learning
1. What is the purpose of the activity?
2. Is there a collaborative alternative?
3. What type of learning is being sought?
4. What type of collaboration will be used?
5. Will groups or individuals be responsible for learning outcomes?
6. Are students prepared to collaborate with peers?
7. Are students willing to collaborate with peers?
8. How will group members be selected and assigned?
9. How will groups be formed?
10. What conditions must be present for successful collaboration?
11. How will you determine if the activity was successful?
12. How will you evaluate student learning?
Collaborative learning is a powerful way to promote student success. That's why you need to know how to do it well. Asking these questions will help you get the most out of your collaborative learning sessions.
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