5 Common Misconceptions About Home Tuition in Singapore

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

5 Common Misconceptions About Home Tuition in Singapore

There are a few common misconceptions about home tuition in Singapore that are being widely spread. We’d like to clear them up, so that you can be better informed when making your decision.

Home Tuition is only for Children

We hear this all the time, and it’s absolutely false. It’s a common misconception that home tuition is only for children who need extra help with their schoolwork. In fact, adults can also benefit from it!

Some parents choose to enrol their children in home tuition as a supplement to their regular school curriculum, while others may choose to enroll themselves.

In order to prepare for upcoming exams or test such as PSLE, O-Levels or A-Levels. There are many reasons why people choose home tuition in Singapore.

Home Tuition is Expensive

The biggest reason why people don’t opt for home tuition is because they think it’s too expensive. However, this is not true at all! In fact, if you compare it with private tuition or international schools.

Such as The British School (Singapore), it can actually be cheaper than both of them! At the same time, there are other factors that you should consider. Such as your own convenience and schedule before making a decision.

Home Tuition is NOT just an Option for High Achievers

This is another common misconception about home tuition in Singapore. Some people believe that it’s only for students who have difficulty in school and need extra help.

This is definitely not true! Even if you are a high achiever. You can still benefit from home tuition.

Because it will give you a different perspective and allow you to improve your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

Home Tuition is Only for Maths, Science and English

This is another common misconception about home tuition in Singapore. Some people believe that it’s only for students who have difficulty in school and need extra help.

This is definitely not true! Even if you are a high achiever, you can still benefit from home tuition as it will give you a different perspective and allow you to improve your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

Home Tuition is NOT a Replacement for School

It’s important to remember that home tuition is not a replacement for school. In fact, it’s just an additional resource for students who are looking to improve their grades or prepare for upcoming exams.

Therefore, you should always remember to give your child the time and space they need in school, so that they can get the most out of their education.

In summary, home tuition in Singapore is a good option for students who are struggling with their schoolwork.

It’s also a good option for high achievers who want to learn at their own pace and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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