Learn and study in bed We’ve all had those mornings where getting out of bed feels a little too painful. With online interactive tools, students can learn while staying warm and cosy under the blankets. All that’s needed is a laptop to enable instant connection with tutors from all over the country. Online interactive tools […]


23rd April 2023

School can feel like a rat race, and it’s natural for parents to worry that their child is falling behind. As a result, anxious parents often fill up their children’s days with hours of tuition, studying, more tuition, and even more studying. However, this can leave your child feeling tired and unmotivated, and can result […]


23rd April 2023

business businessmen classroom 267507
The Value in Online Learning In a Digital and Information Age, the flow of information is seamless with our endless mediums of communications. Retrieving and exchanging information is easy and fast. The rate at which you receive new messages in your Whatsapp group chat is faster than you can read them in some instances. The […]


23rd April 2023

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Making the Right Choice In Singapore, there are multiple paths to academic success. However, not all paths are equal and the requirements are not the same. Thousands of students and parents are faced with a decision that could make or break the route to academic success taken by individuals. Before making a decision, you will […]


23rd April 2023

Apakah Sekolah Masih Relevan?
Menurut banyak orang, sekolah, sebagai sarana pendidikan, merupakan pengalaman paling berguna bagi kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, menurut mereka, dalam membangun masyarakat yang kondusif, Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kapasitas pendidikan dalam rangka pembangunan nasional. Namun apakah fungsi sekolah dalam pendidikan di era digital itu masih relevan? Artikel ini akan mengutarakan beberapa faktor yang menjadikan […]


23rd April 2023

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