Does music help me to focus better while studying?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Yes, it can. Your brain is capable of absorbing new information when you're listening to your favorite music. Music must be able to distract the listener and mind from the problems related to the studying process and at the same time help to focus on the material.

What are the benefits of studying with music?

It's been proven that listening to music while studying can help you to:

be more productive;

improve your focus;

get better grades.

Is it better to study in silence or with music?

It depends. If you are a person who can work well in silence, then go ahead and turn off the music. However, if you need some background noise to stay focused and productive, then listening to your favorite tunes could help you.

Has my mind become dependent on music when studying?

Yes, indeed. It's possible to develop an even stronger dependency than just listening to your favorite tracks while studying. You know what they say – too much of something is bad for you. The same thing applies here.

For those students who are working on their master's or doctorate degrees. They are struggling with a lot of tasks at the same time and doing everything.

In fact, they can just to manage their time wisely and stay focused on their studies, it's essential not do anything that may distract them from their goals.

This is why it's important to limit yourself when using music as a way of boosting your productivity or motivation during learning sessions.

Keep in mind that this kind of practice may lead you into a very bad habit of depending on music for everything and anything related to your everyday life! We don't want this!

Do I have any other options rather than listening to music while studying?

You sure do! In addition to the benefits that we have mentioned above about using music as a tool for improving your productivity while studying at home or at university, there are some other ways that will help you achieve great results without getting addicted to background noise:

Listen to your favorite audio book during your study sessions. If you're a person who loves books and reading, then this option is definitely for you! Pick a book related to the subject that you are studying.

Go through it slowly and listen to every word that the author says. This way, not only will you learn new things, but at the same time familiarize yourself with the language used in academic texts.

Create a playlist of songs that match your current emotional state. Remember when we said that music affects our mood?

It's true – studies have shown that listening to sad music can make us feel happier, while happy music helps us stay positive and cheerful.

When you're feeling down or angry, try listening to soft classical or jazz music; if what you need are some relaxing vibes, any type of reggae song will do just fine.

If you need energy and motivation to keep going after a long day of work – turn on your favorite dance track! Read more similar article of What is ASMR for studying? on Cudy Blog page.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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