Easy Tips: Become an English Teacher in Malaysia

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Becoming an English Teacher in Malaysia: How Easy is It?

English teacher is now one of the most important for all schools not only in the native speaker countries, but also in another countries. The nation of Malaysia is home to over 30 million people, and it’s a country with great geographical diversity. It’s an exciting mix of the modern and the traditional, making it a unique place to live.

Malaysia is a highly-developed country with a vibrant economy and outstanding social services. You’ll find that there are many opportunities for teachers here, as the demand for English teachers is high.

When you decide to teach English in Kuala Lumpur, you’ll find that it’s a great place to start your teaching career. The people are friendly and polite, and you’ll find that they make you feel very welcome when you arrive.

If you’re thinking about teaching English in Kuala Lumpur, you’ll want to know what your prospects are for finding a job.

How to be an English Teacher in Malaysia?

It is relatively easy to become an English teacher. Some several good schools and universities are looking for native English speakers to teach their students. The major cities where you’ll find English teachers in Malaysia are Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Kota Kinabalu.

One of the easiest ways to find a job in Kuala Lumpur is to go through an agency. If you’re going to work for an agency, you’ll want to make sure that you choose one with a good reputation. There are many schools in Kuala Lumpur that are looking for native English speakers, so you should have no trouble finding a job here.

If you decide to work as a freelance teacher, you’ll find that it’s a little more challenging finding work. Many students want to learn English, but they’re not necessarily looking for a teacher working for an agency. It can be difficult to find a job as a freelance teacher, but it is possible.

What is the Average Salary for English Teachers in Malaysia?

You’ll find that you can make good money as an English teacher in Kuala Lumpur. There are some different teaching jobs that you can take, and the pay will vary depending on where you work.

If you’re going to work for an agency, you’ll generally make around RM 26.65 per hour as a tutor. If you decide to work as a freelance teacher, you’ll generally get less salary unless you take on many tutoring jobs at once.

You can expect to make around 5580 MYR per month. This is because you’ll have to pay for your own supplies and other expenses.

Steps to be an English Teacher in Malaysia

Now, to start your new career as an English teacher in Malaysia, you can follow these steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Get your TEFL certificate

The first step is to get your TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). There are several ways you can get your TEFL certificate in Malaysia, including online courses and in-class courses.

For the most part, it doesn’t matter which way you choose because both will get you the same certificate at the end of the course. However, there are some differences between them that you should be aware of before making your decision.

Online courses

In Malaysia, online courses are very convenient because they allow you to study at your own pace and be completed anywhere in the world.

The downside is that they may not be accredited by the government of Malaysia or other accrediting bodies in other countries, so they may not be accepted by employers in Malaysia or abroad. Online courses can also be more expensive than in-class course.

In-class courses

In-class courses will provide you with a better experience, as you’ll be able to interact with other students and teachers in Malaysia. However, in-class courses are more expensive than online courses, and they also require you to take a trip to the country where the course is being held.

Step 2: Find a Jobas an English teacher

Once you have your TEFL certificate, you’ll want to find a job. There are lots of government schools, private schools, and universities in Malaysia that will hire you as an English tutor.

If you want to earn more money in Malaysia, it may be a good idea to look for private tutoring jobs. Home tutor Malaysia is often more lucrative than teaching at a school or university.

Step 3: Get Your Work Visa

When you get your job offer in Malaysia, they will probably offer to sponsor your work visa. If they don’t, you can apply for your work visa yourself. Your employer will need to provide you with a letter of employment, which will show that you have a job. This letter will allow you to apply for your work visa.

Step 4: Start Your New Career

When you get your work visa, you’ll be able to start your new career as an English tutor in Malaysia. You’ll want to get your work visa stamped in your passport before you arrive and make sure that you bring a copy of your work visa with you when you travel to Malaysia.

Step 5: Adapt to Your New Life

When you arrive in Malaysia, you’ll want to find a place to live and consider the cost of living. You may be able to rent a flat from your employer, or you may need to find a place on your own that costs a small amount of money. You’ll also want to find some good places to eat and hang out with other teachers.

The first thing you need to do to adapt to your new life is getting a local phone number. You can get a SIM card from any of the local mobile phone companies. Once you have your phone, you’ll want to get a local bank account so that you can get paid.

Malaysia has a tropical climate, so you’ll want to get some good warm clothes to wear and bring some lightweight garments for the summer. You’ll also want to get a few good books about Malaysia, as well as a good map of the country.

As you can see, if you’re thinking about teaching English in Malaysia, then the above steps will help you get started. Malaysia is a beautiful country in Southeast Asia that’s great for teachers and travellers. So, if you’re looking for a great place to travel and a great place to teach, then Malaysia is the place for you.

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