Everything You Need To Know About The Edusave Scholarship Award in Singapore

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Everything You Need To Know About The Edusave Scholarship Award in Singapore

Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are eligible to apply for the Edusave Scholarship Award. The award is open to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents of all races, including Eurasians.

The Edusave Scholarship Award is available for those who have completed their secondary education and want to pursue their tertiary education in a polytechnic or university.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must be Singaporeans or Permanent Residents, with at least one parent who is a Singaporean or Permanent Resident at the time of application.

The student must have obtained a passing grade in at least three GCE ‘O’ Level subjects (including English Language). Also, the student has to admit into a full-time diploma course or undergraduate degree programme at a local polytechnic or university.

Applicants must have taken up and completed at least one academic year of full-time formal education. After completing their GCE ‘O’ Level examinations.

Applicants must not be receiving any other form of financial assistance. Including government grants, sponsorship from parents/relatives/friends, tuition waivers etc., during the period of study under the scholarship award scheme.

If you are receiving any other form of financial assistance, you will not be eligible for this scholarship award scheme.

The applicant must not be working more than 10 hours per week on average. During the period of study under the scholarship award scheme.

The applicant should not be married before he/she attains 21 years old. As at 1st January of the year in which he/she first applies for this scholarship. If he/she marries before that age, he/she will no longer be eligible for this scholarship.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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