Good Public Speaking Tips for Introverts

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Good Public Speaking Tips for Introverts

Public speaking is a skill that many introverts struggle with. It’s a topic that most introverts are not particularly fond of talking about.

In this article, we will cover some of the more common tips for public speaking for introverts, including some more advanced tips that you may find useful in your public speaking skills.

Tip #1: Focus on your purpose

What do you want to accomplish with your speech? Is it to inform? To persuade? To inspire? As an introvert, you may be wondering what the point of giving a speech is at all. 

If this is the case, then consider focusing on your purpose when giving a speech. A lot of times, public speakers don’t think about their purpose before they give their speeches. 

Instead, they simply jump into their talk without considering what they want to accomplish by doing so. The result is often not very effective public speaking.

It's because the speaker could not focus on his or her purpose in giving the speech in the first place. 

When you are given a speech to give, focus on your purpose. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish by giving the speech. How will it help you? What is the value of your speech? How will you know that it was a success?

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Tip #2: Speak from your heart

Speak from your heart. If you are having trouble finding something interesting to talk about, speak from your heart. Your passion for whatever topic you choose will be much more engaging than if you were simply reading off a script.

Talk about books you like and connect it with the topic you're giving speech about. Let your personality show itself.

Your passion will shine through in your speech and will connect with the audience more effectively 

Of course, this is easier said than done when speaking in front of an audience of strangers, but that’s where practice comes in handy! 

Start by writing down 3-5 topics that are important to you. Spend time researching each topic and considering why each topic is important to you before preparing for your public speaking presentation. 

Then, write down the content for each of these topics so that you can have something interesting to say about each topic when given a speech assignment. 

Man standing in front of microphone, ready for his public speaking time.
Photo by Marcos Luiz Photograph on Unsplash.

Tip #3: Practice makes perfect!

Practice makes perfect. While it’s not necessary to memorize your speech word for word, you can use your speech as a means of practicing speaking in front of an audience. 

Try giving your speech several times before the actual presentation. Doing so will help you get comfortable with the process and will give you practice in actually delivering your speech in front of an audience. 

This will also help you improve your public speaking skills. You may even find that after giving several speeches, you’ll be able to deliver a good presentation without having to memorize anything word for word! 

Tip #4: Don’t just speak…but don’t speak like a robot either!

Don’t just speak…but don’t speak like a robot either! A lot of people are tempted to stick to their scripts and recite their speech word for word without much change or variation. 

However, this can make it seem like they are reading off a script rather than speaking from their heart. 

If this is the case, then practice delivering your speech out loud several times before giving it to an audience for feedback. 

Also, when giving feedback on someone else’s speech, it’s not always necessary to criticize their speech. Sometimes, you can tell a speaker that they should change their tone or delivery. 

For example, you may notice that your audience is very engaged in your speech and that you are enjoying giving the speech. However, you notice that the audience is losing interest at some point during your speech. 

Rather than criticizing the speaker for speaking too fast or sounding monotone, suggest to them that they should change their tone of voice so that the audience will stay engaged throughout the entire presentation. 

Doing so will help them improve their public speaking skills as well as help keep their audience interested!

Tip #5: Be yourself!

You don’t have to be someone else to speak in public. It’s okay to be yourself when giving a speech. 

If you are having trouble finding something interesting to talk about, consider sharing something personal about yourself with your audience. 

For example, if you have a favorite band or an interesting story about meeting someone famous, share it with your audience when giving a speech on music or celebrities! 

Also, remember not to share information that could be considered too personal if it is not appropriate for the context of your speech. For example, if you are giving a speech on technology, don’t share details about your personal life.

Also, don’t speak too fast! Speaking too fast can make it difficult for the audience to understand what you are saying. 

This can make it seem like you are not passionate about what you are saying and that the audience is simply reading off a script. If this is the case, then slow down! 

People listening to a public speaker's presentation.
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash.

Tip #6: Use props!

Using props during your speech can help make your presentation more interesting and engaging for your audience. 

For example, if you’re giving a speech on sports or television shows, consider using props such as toys or other related items to help inform your audience about these topics. 

Using these types of props will help make your presentation more engaging and memorable for the audience members. 

You may also find that people in the audience may have an interest in sports or television shows that you didn’t even know existed! 

Tip #7: Relax! It’s okay to take breaks during public speaking speeches! 

Take frequent breaks throughout your speech so that you can keep your audience engaged and interested. This will help keep your audience from becoming bored or distracted by the presentation.

If you find that you are getting nervous or tense during your speech, then try taking a short break to relax and regain your composure. It’s okay to take a short break now and then! 

A person doing public speaking while using body language to keep audience engaged.
Photo by Product School on Unsplash.

Tip #8: Use body language!

Body language is important when giving a speech. You should use your hands to gesture as well as make eye contact with the audience while speaking. 

This will help you connect with the audience and engage them in your presentation. 

Also, don’t forget to smile! This will help keep the audience engaged in what you are saying, which will make it easier for them to remember what you have said as well as encourage them to listen to what you have to say next! 

Cudy tutors can help you improve your public speaking skills! Learn more about how Cudy tutors can help you improve your public speaking skills!

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