How to Choose the Best for Your Training Program

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Formal or Informal learning? The Types of Learning and How to Choose the Best for Your Training Program

Training program is the way for you to get the best educational system for your self-development. In today's world, training is necessary for employees. Still, it is also a business imperative for companies to provide the required training and development to their employees to keep the workforce updated with the latest knowledge, ideas, and skills to remain competitive in the market.

The difference between formal and informal learning is that people take part in it by their own will in formal learning. In informal learning, people take part in someone else's choice.

Formal or Informal learning? The Types of Learning and How to Choose the Best for Your Training Program
Formal or Informal learning? The Types of Learning and How to Choose the Best for Your Training Program

There are different types of training and learning plan available today. It can be formal or informal and using various methods such as lectures, workshops, webinars, case studies etc. Your company should consider the choice of which type of training program is right carefully.

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What is Formal Learning for Training Program?

A formal learning program refers to a systematic process that is taught through a University or school setting. It is the regular education you receive in grade school, high school, college, and even graduate school. This is mostly classroom-based and comprises lectures, tests, homework, reading material, and projects.

Students are required to attend class regularly. Some formal training programs include an internship or practicum that helps students transition from theory to practice. The skills that students learn are very specific and prepare them for the workplace.

What is Informal Learning for Training Program?

Informal learning approaches to developing skills or knowledge without an organized structure, such as a class or guidebook. This can happen anywhere and when an individual sees value in something they do not know about yet.

For example, suppose you want to learn how to play a video game skillfully. In that case, you can research online or talk to experts in related fields. Ideas and concepts sometimes come up in casual conversations.

Even studying how to cook is informal, since you are not formally taught how by a master chef. You observe, ask questions, and practice what you have learned on your own. The goal is to develop skills and knowledge that is relevant to the individual. It can help individuals reach their career goals or build new skills for their personal growth.

It does not occur only in formal settings but also in informal environments such as home or coffee shops. People can learn from others or through self-learning using books, videos, websites, seminars, etc.

When Should You Choose Formal Versus Informal Learning?

The answer depends on your training program's outcome and the type of learner you have in mind. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Advantages of Formal Learning:

Formal training is best for individuals who want to do a specific task or skill. For example, formal learning can train employees in their specific roles and responsibilities.

It helps you develop the desired skills and knowledge to do your job well. This method is best for those willing to sit and learn from a teacher or instructor and apply what they have learned as per the workplace requirements.

Formal learning also provides you with a certificate that helps you obtain your next job. They give you a set time frame to complete your training program, which allows you to concentrate on studying without having other commitments.

The organized structure makes it easier for businesses because they know how much time their employees will need training. It also allows employees to get back on their job quickly once they finish their training program.

In short, formal training provides you with more structure when compared to informal one that is less structured and based on self-learning.

Advantages of Informal Learning:

Informal learning is best for those who want to develop new skills or knowledge through self-learning. Let's say that you have interest in how to play a musical instrument, like the guitar, but you don't know where to start.

You can research online and find some online videos to help you learn how to play the guitar. Or you may also talk to other people who have experience playing the guitar and ask for advice on what you should do next.

You may come across different blogs or books written by experts in this field through your research. Most people learn new skills through personal experiences and examples from other individuals.

Informal learning provides free and unlimited information on almost every topic. It lets individuals learn at their own pace and their convenience without having any restrictions from anyone else.

This method is very flexible and convenient for people looking to learn new skills or acquire knowledge. It is best for self-motivated and independent learners. It is also suitable for those interested in learning a new skill or acquiring knowledge on a particular topic.

Most people learn by researching and coming up with their understanding of the topic at hand. Informal learning can be very time-consuming because you may have to spend a lot of time looking for information on different topics related to your interest.

This method requires you to have passion, interest, and time on your side to pursue your interest to learn something new.

Which Learning Method Is For You?

Both formal and informal learning have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which learning method to use depends on your training program's desired outcome, the type of learner, and your budget.

For example, companies looking for employees who can perform a specific task may benefit from formal training. This method focuses on teaching students the skills that they will need to do their job well in the workplace.

On the other hand, companies who want employees who can develop new skills or knowledge in this field may benefit from using informal learning. This method allows individuals to learn at their own pace with no time restrictions or instructions to follow.

You can learn about any topic you want as long as it is relevant to what you want to achieve in your job or career. The main advantage of informal learning is that it allows you to be flexible and self-motivated throughout your training program. You can study wherever you want and whenever you want without restrictions.

Informal and formal learning methods are useful in their own right, depending on your needs and the type of learner you have in mind. If you are an employer, choosing which training method to use is ultimately based on your training program's desired outcome.

If you are looking for a worker who can perform a specific task, formal training may be for you. However, suppose you are looking for employees who can develop new skills or knowledge in this field. In that case, informal learning may be more suitable.

Planning Your Training Program

Whichever method you choose, it is important to plan your training program well ahead of time to know what to expect from your employees at the end of the process.

Need more resources about learning material, formal education, or even job training strategies? Find out more on Cudy Blog!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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