How to Help Your Child Manage Their Stress in Primary School

Written By: Cudy

22nd April 2023

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Primary school is a crucial time for a child’s development. It’s also a time of enormous pressure, as children are expected to learn to read, write and do math. And they need to perform well in class and on tests. This can lead to high stress levels in children, Parents should be aware of the signs that their child is under too much pressure. Children may exhibit physical signs of stress, including headaches, stomach aches, dizziness, irritability and fatigue. If it has already affected the physical health of your child, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Source of stress could be many different things. When the child has a tough week or a tough day of school, it can be very hard to cope with their stress. This is a great time for parents to support their child, however this can be very hard if they are not well prepared for it. We are here to give you some great tips on how you can help your child manage their stress at school.

Physical exercise

Stress Management Tools Parents can support their child by using the tools of stress management. There are many approaches to stress management, including breathing exercises, physical activity, meditation and relaxation techniques. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and physical tension. Yoga is not just about physical flexibility and strength. It’s also about being more mindful of your thoughts and behavior, becoming emotionally balanced, developing self-acceptance and becoming more energized. Yoga can help children develop emotional resilience and the ability to cope with change. Yoga doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming either. You can do yoga anywhere; you don’t need special equipment or for there to be a lot of space. In fact, one of the benefits of yoga is that you can do it wherever you are – in your bedroom, at school or in a busy street. You can also do yoga anywhere in your body – on your own or with others who want to learn too. This means that yoga is very accessible for children who have busy schedules such as those who go to school or after-school activities and those who have a long commute home every day.

How to do yoga with your child:

Make space and time to do yoga every day. Find a quiet place where you can relax and be comfortable. It’s nice to have eye cover. It’s also lovely to have soft music playing in the background – just easy, relaxing music without words. It’s a good idea to switch off your phone. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, in and out through your nose. Let go of any thoughts or worries you have – just let them go, so that you can focus on relaxing. Now, slowly bring your attention into your body and feel yourself breathing in and out through your nose. Feel the air flowing over your face like a gentle breeze on a warm summer’s day. Feel yourself relaxing into this sensation and finding calmness within you. Let yourself breathe in deeply, then slowly let go of the breath again, breathing out through your mouth as you do so. Repeat this a few times until you feel very relaxed and peaceful inside yourself. If you want to add a visual image. Imagine that there is a little stream in front of you and you are breathing into it as though it is filling up with water. Feel the stream filling up with water as you breathe in and out.

Breathing parts

Let yourself become aware of your breathing again and notice how relaxed you feel. You may still feel a little tense in your body. That’s fine, just relax into the sensation of tension and allow it to soften and release as you breathe in and out. Let your muscles release as you breathe in and out, letting go of any tightness or pain in your shoulders, back or neck. Now, bring your attention into your head. Breathe in deeply, then slowly let go of the breath again, breathing out through your mouth as you do so. Feel the tension softening or releasing from around your eyes and forehead. Let the muscles around them relax so that they feel calmer, softer and more peaceful. Make sure your children have a sufficient sleep, minimum 7 hours of sleep. An adequate sleep will help them to relax, reduce their stress and improve their mood. Cudy works to help students achieve their academic goals. As a student, you will get to learn from the best tutors Online, when you register on Cudy. You will have the easiest time finding a tutor based on your location, the course you are taking and the subjects you need help with.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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