How to manage your mental health

Written By: Cudy

19th April 2023

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So how do we manage our mental health?

1. Be kind to yourself

We all have good days and bad days. Sometimes it is hard to be happy all the time. Be kind to yourself when you are having a bad day, give yourself some slack and don't expect to be perfect.

Take some time for yourself, do something nice for yourself or pursue something you love doing such as playing sports, dancing or singing. No one can feel good about themselves if they don't feel good about themselves. So be kind to yourself and learn to love who you are!

2. Have a positive mindset

Learn to accept the things that are out of your control and focus on what you can control such as your attitude, your actions and your words!

When you decide that you will have a positive mindset, you will naturally attract more positive things into your life which will in turn make you feel happier!

Keep in mind that, there is no "I" in team so work together with others, it is so much more fun when we work together!

3. Have fun

Having fun is so important, no one can be happy if they are not having fun! Make time for yourself and your friends to just have fun and play. Get outside and go for a walk or run, play sports, read a book or sing, dance or whatever in the world makes you feel happy and fulfilled. I promise that you will feel better!

4. Sleep well

Getting enough sleep is important in order to function well throughout the day. Be aware of how much sleep you need to function well and try your best to get 8 hours of sleep every night. This will keep your body healthy and your mind alert!

5. Eat well

Eating too much junk food can make you feel bad about yourself because it is not good for your body and will cause you to gain weight which is not good for your confidence.

Eating too little food won't help either because this will cause you to feel weak throughout the day which puts too much pressure on your body which will take away from other activities such as school work, sports or hobbies that require physical energy.

Again, balance is key! We need nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables in order to function well so try eating at least one serving of fruits and vegetables per day.

It's better to communicate and interact with the right counsellor about mental health issues. Please remember that talking to someone who listens to you is always beneficial. In Cudy, you can talk with a professional counsellor anywhere at time and in any location to help you with any issues you might have.

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