How to retake A levels in Singapore as a private candidate?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

If you have interest in taking A levels again as a private candidate. There are two options for you to consider:

You can take your A levels with another provider. If you decide to take your A levels with another provider, you will have to apply and pay the application fee again. However, you will not have to pay the examination fee again.

You can retake your A levels with Edusave. As a result of your academic achievements in school. You will entitled to Edusave Scholarships and/or Tuition Fee Subsidies for the second time round.

To find out more about Edusave Scholarships and Tuition Fee Subsidies, please visit

Note: The MOE reserves the right to make changes to the Scholarship and Tuition Fee Subsidy policies without prior notice.

If it is necessary to do so in order to fulfil its statutory obligations under the MOE Act or any other written law, or as required by any governmental authority or regulatory body of Singapore.

How long will it take for my A level results to be released?

It takes approximately 3 weeks from your examination date for your A level results that will release by NUS Examination Services via your online NUSNET account (

You will receive an email from NUS Examination Services with a copy of your A level results. Once, they will release online on NUSNET .

If you do not receive an email from NUS Examination Services after 3 weeks from your examination date, please contact us at 6216 8188 (Ext 7861) or via email at [email protected].

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