How to Study Smart

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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To study smart for your examinations, you need to determine what your target score is. This will serve as a benchmark for the progress you make in your study plan. Your target score will also guide you to choose the right materials to use during preparation.

Once you’ve determined your target score, follow these tips in preparing for your exams:

1. Determine what type of exam you’ll take and when it will be administered.

2. Determine the key topics you’ll be tested on and the weight of each topic in your exam. The more you know about the exam format, the better equipped you’ll be to make sure that all your bases are covered.

3. Make a study plan that covers how often and when you will study each of the topics that will be included in your exam. This plan should also include how long each session will last, how many hours per week, etc.

4. Make a list of the topics that you’ll cover in each study session. Organize them in an order that guides your study flow as well as how much time you’ll spend on each topic. This will serve as your guide to your progress in studying for the exam.

5. Create a review sheet for each subject area that you’re studying for your exam, including key points and formulas to memorize or recall from memory. This makes it easier for you to review yourself after each session and measure how much progress you have made in studying for the exam.

Cudy is an online platform where you will find the best tutors to help you to study for exams and improve your grades. Cudy provides tutors for any subject you need help with. Create an account now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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