So you want to study accounting? Before that, read this first!

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

So you want to study accounting? Before that, read this first!

Should I study accounting?

Many people think that accounting is the easiest degree to get, but that is not true. It requires a lot of hard work and studying. I started my degree with an Accounting major and switched to Finance after my first semester.

I would say accounting is the most practical degree because it gives you a solid foundation in business management, economics, and finance. It teaches you how to use the language of business and helps you develop critical thinking skills.

Accounting is very good for any career path because it prepares you for the real world. It also has a lot of jobs available in big companies, public accounting firms, government agencies, etc.

Should I study business?

If you are looking for a job in marketing or sales, then yes. If you are looking for a job in finance or accounting then no. Business degrees are very broad and don’t specialize in any one field or topic like Accounting or Finance does.

A lot of people say that Business Administration majors get paid more than Accounting majors do but I’m not sure if that’s true or not because there are so many variables involved like GPA, job experience, industry sector etc.

Here are some things to consider before deciding to study accounting:

1. How good are you at math?

Do you understand basic finance concepts like cash flow, debt management, budgeting etc.? If yes, then you are on the right track. If not, then I would recommend taking some online courses or getting a tutor to help you get a solid foundation in finance before starting your degree.

Don’t try to skip this step because it will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Most of the time students start their degree and they find out that it’s too hard for them because they don’t have a good foundation in finance.

2. Take accounting classes.

If you decide to major in accounting, then you will need to take a lot of accounting classes, which means more time studying and less time socializing. It also means that you will have to be more disciplined and dedicated. Accounting is not the easiest degree to get so if you want an easy degree, then don’t major in accounting.

3. Research school

If you are going to major in accounting, then you need to make sure that your school has a good reputation for teaching it. A lot of schools offer an Accounting degree but their professors aren’t really qualified or experienced in teaching it. You should do some research about the reputation of your school and their faculty before enrolling.

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