The 5 Most Essential LMS Security Features

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

The 5 Most Essential LMS Security Features

With the Internet of Things continuing to grow and more and more devices being connected to the web, cybersecurity is becoming a growing concern for businesses. The enterprise LMS market is no exception.

As companies begin to rely on Learning Management Systems (LMS) for managing employee training and certifications, as well as a variety of other tasks, it becomes increasingly important that the LMS platform be secured against malicious attacks.

While it may seem that your company’s LMS doesn’t contain sensitive information or anything worth stealing or leaking, a recent study found that over 70% of business information is stored in LMS systems. This could include customer lists, financial data, employee information, or any other sensitive data your company keeps in its system.

Here are five ways to make sure your LMS platform is secure:

1. Require Strong Passwords

A strong password isn’t just a series of numbers and letters, it’s also a strong password that’s not easily guessed. While it may seem like a daunting task to have to come up with a new password for every single account you create, doing so will save you from having to change all of your passwords in the future.

Use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to create strong passwords for all of your accounts. If you can’t remember them all, use an app like 1Password to store them for you.

2. Monitor Activity

While your LMS platform may be hosted on the cloud, there are still ways that hackers can get access to your data. By using tools like IDS/IPS and firewall technology, businesses can monitor their activity and block unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information or taking control of any critical functions.

3. Use Encryption

Even if your company is able to secure its LMS against outside threats, there are still ways that hackers can get access to data stored on the system. One way is through encryption key cracking attacks.

These attacks involve brute force guessing encrypted data until they are able to determine the encryption key and gain access to sensitive information or function. Using strong encryption will make it much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your data.

4. Encrypt Sensitive Data

Once you’ve secured your LMS against outside threats, you should focus on securing sensitive data stored on the system. While this may seem like a lot of work, it’s a necessary step if you want to keep your data safe from malicious attacks.

When possible, try to use an LMS that can encrypt sensitive data and limit access to only those who need it. If your LMS doesn’t offer this feature, consider using an additional security tool that will protect sensitive information stored in the system.

5. Monitor Employee Activity

It may seem like overkill to monitor employee activity on your LMS platform, but monitoring employee activity is essential for protecting against insider threats. Employees can inadvertently expose critical company information by accessing sensitive data or taking control of critical functions within the system without authorization.

By monitoring employee activity on the system, you can catch these types of threats before they become problems for your company.

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