Online Tuition vs Offline Tuition

Written By: Alexander Lim

23rd April 2023

Online tuition Cudy

Offline tuition is no longer the only way to study. With the rise of online education, online tuition has become the best way to learn.

The benefits of online tuition, compared to offline tuition in Singapore

The rise of technology and the internet over the course of last few decades has strongly challenged the traditional ways of doing almost anything in the world. Singapore like other countries in the world has graciously accepted the modern trends and the role technology has to play in human development and the growth of its economy. It is pertinent to say that technology has played a highly positive role in creating a progressive society, which truly caters for the needs of every citizen.

How technology is transforming the education system in Singapore?

Education is one of the most fundamental aspects of the life of every individual. It develops an understanding of the world, nurtures creativity in the individual and brings about innovation in society. Technology has also brought about change in the education system. It has given rise to the online methods of imparting education to the students through online tuition and courses. Some universities have also started to offer online degree programs, which have good market value. In Singapore, recent studies have shown that the traditional ways of imparting education to the young adults aiming for a college and university degree are no more the most effective. Students of today are more tech-savvy and the digital means of education are more attractive to them as compared to the traditional means.

Online tuition trends in Singapore

When the school education is essential in the education system of Singapore, usually parents also enrol their children for tuition. The focus on getting good grades is a significant concern for the students and parents who want to best available tuition. Mostly, they have to hire home tutors or the students have to travel quite a distance in order to get the best tuition available. However, the cost associated with this is sometimes more than what parents can afford. In this effect, they are looking for novel and internet-based means to arrange tuition for the children. Online tuition is the way of the future with numerous benefits that make it all the more valuable.

The Most Significant Benefits of Online Tuition

Finding The Best Tutor

Online tuition is internet based which means you can connect with anyone over the internet. This provides greater flexibility in finding the best tutor for the subject that you want to study. You can get in touch with freelance tutors all over the world and get tuition from the one who suits you best.

Offline tuition, however, limits your ability to finding a suitable teacher to a certain location, as you cannot travel too far from home.

Save Time

For students, time is a luxury. When they opt for offline tutoring, a lot of time is wasted while traveling back and forth. Online tutoring solves this issue, as you do not have to travel while taking a class over the internet.


Online tutoring is more comfortable especially for tech-savvy students who like to study on laptops in the comfort of their rooms. They do not have to attend classes at a specific time at a specific location.

Ability to revisit the Class

With online tutoring, the live stream class can be easily recorded or the prepared courses are usually available on the internet. This provides the student an ability to revisit the lessons and fill any missing gaps in their understanding.

More Engagement

When the students get tuition from a freelance teacher, they have more one to one interaction with the teacher. They can be more engaged and ask questions, which come to their minds. In the case of a traditional classroom, the engagement levels are less due to the presence of many students.

Access to Teachers

When you are connected to a teacher over the internet, you can record your queries and ask through Email or any other mean.

The teacher will be able to ask the queries more quickly than the teacher in the classroom who can only answer your queries during the time of scheduled class.


Online tuition provides an opportunity to develop self-discipline as the students have the ability to schedule their lessons and decide what is best for them.

Parent Supervision

At homes, parents can have better supervision of the children as compared to when they go outside to study. This can help improve focus and concentration of the students towards studies.

Ability to Learn Difficult Subjects

On the internet, you can find teachers for almost any subject. You can learn difficult subjects more effectively. You can study computer related courses, which have high market demand.


Online education is more cost effective as compared home or distance tuition. Home tutors may charge more than what you can afford while in distance tuition, traveling charges may offset your budget.


Online Tuition has huge potential and it is certainly the way of the future. There are numerous stories where students have saved their careers by employing the help and guidance of a qualified online tutor. While it solves the worries of students and parents, it also provides an earning opportunity to the qualified freelance teachers. Cudy is an online marketplace and platform offering online tuition in Singapore.

Written by

Alexander Lim

Alexander is the Founder and Chief Executive of Cudy, heading the company's business development, partnerships, collaborations, marketing and fundraising.

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