The Power of Self Directed Learning in the Workplace

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

The Power of Self Directed Learning in the Workplace

When it comes to the workplace, self directed learning is often dismissed as “the poor man’s education.”

However, there are plenty of people who don’t have the time or money to get a formal education and need to rely on themselves for learning new skills.

This type of training can help individuals stay up-to-date with technology and better compete in their respective fields. Here are a few ways that self-directed learning can be beneficial in the workplace.

Up-To-Date Knowledge

When you’re self directed, you can find new skills and techniques to better your career. For example, there are plenty of great resources online that teach programming skills. A few of these include:

The Computer Science Education project offers free and open source computer science curricula for teachers to use in their classrooms.

Coursera offers free courses from top universities on a variety of topics, including computer science. You can also take these courses for college credit if you want.

Udacity is another online learning platform that focuses on vocational education. They offer many courses that help you develop practical skills for careers in tech, such as programming and data science. Their courses are also broken down into smaller units that are easy to digest in bite-sized chunks.

The Power of Self Directed Learning in the Workplace
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash.

Save Money and Time on Education Costs

Self directed learning can save you money and time by allowing you to learn at your own pace instead of having to rely on a classroom setting with other students who may or may not be at the same level as you are when it comes to understanding a particular topic or skill set.

This type of training can also be great for those who need a refresher course on certain topics.

Stay Relevant in Your Field

If you’re self directed, you can learn about new technologies that are coming out or become more proficient in the skills that you already have.

If you want to stay relevant in your field, this is a great way to do it.

Find New Opportunities

Self directed learning can help you find new opportunities for career advancement and increase your value as an employee. This is especially true if you have a skill set that’s difficult to find, such as knowledge of a certain programming language or data analysis skills.

As technology continues to advance, so will the demand for workers who know how to use it effectively. If you can stay on top of this, you’ll be able to take advantage of more opportunities.

The Power of Self Directed Learning in the Workplace
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash.

Improve Your Career Prospects with Cudy

There are plenty of reasons why self directed learning is a great option for both students and employees. If you’re looking to improve your career prospects, it’s worth checking out.

Find qualified professional tutors that fit your learning style preferences in Cudy. Sign up for free now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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