What are Good Online Resources for Learning Japanese?

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

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There are lots of free online resources for learning Japanese. Still, you may need to use them in conjunction with other resources to become fluent. They can also choose their own places to learn.

However, the disadvantage is that Japanese learners won't get one-on-one attention. You can still ask many questions to the tutor during the session.

If you need more individualized attention or help with specific questions, then a paid tutor may be better for your level.

If you want a mix of both free and paid, you can use a combination of a free and paid online Japanese tutor. From plugins to learning websites that provide online Japanese tutors, here are some excellent online resources for learning Japanese:

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels.


There are many videos on Youtube for learning Japanese, including videos from a native speaker or famous comedians who have learned Japanese by watching anime. To find videos on a specific topic, you can search for that topic using Youtube's search bar.

You can also use Youtube's advanced search to search for specific topics and types of videos. For example, you can type in "Japanese language learning" or "Japanese grammar".

You can also filter your results by video type (such as song or movie) and date uploaded. If you sign up for an account, you'll be able to favorite videos and add them to your playlists.

Google Translate

Google Translate is a free online translation service that allows you to translate Japanese into English or English into Japanese. It supports both English-to-Japanese translation and Japanese-to-English translation.

It is useful if you want to look up specific words or phrases in the Japanese language. You can use it even if you don't have an internet connection since it is available as a mobile app and a web app.

However, Google Translate doesn't provide a good system for learning grammar since the translation is generated fully automatically.


Anki is a free, open-source flashcard program that allows you to create customized flashcards for memorizing vocabulary, grammar, and kanji.

Flashcards help me learn how to read and write Japanese. They are also helpful in studying kanji because they allow you to look at the different parts of a kanji separately.


Rikaichan/Rikaikun is an add-on for your browser that allows you to hover over Japanese words and see their English definitions. Rikaichan/Rikaikun are helpful if you want definitions of specific words or phrases in the Japanese language.


Jisho.org is a free online dictionary that helps look up kanji. It includes information about which kanji each word uses and how it is written.


JapanesePod101 is a free online podcasting site that includes audio lessons for learning Japanese. It has beginner lessons as well as more advanced lessons.

If you want to listen to the Japanese language instead of reading it or watching videos, this may be a good resource.

You can look at this site without signing up for an account, but some features require an account (such as downloading lesson MP3s). You can also access the site through their mobile app.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.


Duolingo is a free, online language-learning site that allows you to learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and English. It is also helpful for learning Japanese. The Japanese course includes basic grammar and vocabulary as well as kanji.

Duolingo may not be a good resource if you are trying to learn precise words or phrases in the language (for example, if you want to learn medical terminology). However, it is a good resource if you're going to learn basic grammar and vocabulary or if you're going to use the app while traveling in Japan (for example, so that you can ask for directions).

You can use Duolingo by signing up for an account, and your progress will be saved so that you can pick up where you left off when using another device or at a later time.


Italki is an online marketplace for language learners to find online tutors, teachers, translators, and even interpreters. It allows you to connect with certified professionals in their field who have teaching experience.

The site also has an extensive database of qualified professionals who may not be listed as teachers but who offer services such as translation or interpreting services, including native speakers.

Italki's database also includes information about the professional's background and references so that you can make sure that they are qualified before working with them. This site helps you find a professional teacher or tutor who can provide you with individualized attention.

Learn Together with Cudy

In conclusion, there are lots of free online resources for learning Japanese. However, these resources don't allow you to ask questions or get individualized attention.

If you need more help with specific questions or want a one-on-one experience, you may want to consider a paid tutor.

Learn more about language for beginners, private tutors, language skills, listening skills, grammar lessons, and many more with Cudy. Visit Cudy blog now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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