What Are Some Good Ways to Find Online Teaching Jobs?

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

What Are Some Good Ways to Find Online Teaching Jobs?

The internet is a beautiful place for finding online teaching jobs, but there are many scammers and scams out there.

Therefore, keep in mind that you have to be aware of these types of jobs and be careful with whom you work. 

Now let's talk about some of the places where you can find jobs safely and what kind of jobs will give you any teaching opportunity available.

If you have a college degree and are looking for online teaching positions, you will find tutoring jobs on the job boards or classified ads.

Many online teaching companies are looking for people who can be an English teacher, virtual teacher, or any other positions.

In exchange, they will give you an opportunity to teach university level college students or other school students.

You can search on Craigslist, Monster Jobs, Indeed, and other websites where people advertise different work they want to be done, such as tutoring English or giving Chinese students language lessons.

Let's cover some of these online job-seeking platforms.

Which Sites Provide You with a Platform to Work as an Online Tutor?


Cudy is one of the best sites that you can use to find online teaching jobs.

It is an online platform specialized in education that provides many courses and online program for students.

They have various students' levels, so this is a great place to look for an online teaching job if you're starting. You can also plan your own lessons and courses to fit your working hours in Cudy.

You can apply to be a tutor on the Cudy platform if you're interested and getting paid to teach students English, Bahasa Indonesia, Tamil, or any other language.

The platform is easy to use, with personalized features and flexible working hours.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash.


Craigslist is one place where many people advertise their online teaching jobs. There are many legitimate students and parents on Craigslist looking for teachers, but there are also scammers.

If you find a potential student who is not a scammer, you can be sure that they will give you more information about what they expect from you and how much they can give you in return.


Monster is one of the best places to find online teaching jobs, especially in Indonesia. There are many different jobs in Monster Indonesia.

If you have a degree, you can find anything from teaching ESL face-to-face to teaching from home.

You will have to do some searching around Monster to find the right teaching job for you, but it is worth it in the end.

RELATED: Be an Online English Tutor: Benefits and Challenges You Will Face


Indeed is another great place to look for online teaching jobs with various available jobs. This is one place where people often look for part-time work or full-time work.

Even if you don't have a degree and are only starting in the online teaching field, this is a great place to look for an online teaching job. The pay isn't always great, but it is a start.


LinkedIn is another excellent site that you can use to find online teaching jobs. This site has many jobs opportunity available for teachers.

It is easy to use, and it is free to post your resume and search for a job on the site. Many people have used LinkedIn, and there are many good reviews about the site.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash.

Finding the Best Job Online

So, there are some ways to find online teaching jobs. If you're looking for jobs as an online tutor, you can look for them on your own or use one site mentioned above.

However, remember to be careful with whom you work with as there are many types of scams out there.

Also, remember that there are many proper opportunities out there for online teachers and tutors. You don't have to settle for something that will not work out in your favour.

Good luck on your journey to find the best job!

If you want to read some tips on teaching, we have many courses and articles about it. So, don't forget to check out our other articles now on Cudy!

Employment, Online Tuition, Tuition, Tutor

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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