What are the fees for Pre-school?


Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023


In Singapore, there are two types of preschools: kindergarten (pre-school) and childcare centre. Kindergarten costs $1k – $2k per month while childcare centres charge between $700 – $4k per month. These prices are based on information from the Ministry of Education (MOE) website.

In Malaysia, tuition fees at kindergartens range from RM60 – RM120 ($18-$30) per month while childcare centres charge RM190 – RM250 ($55-$70) per month. The fees for both are based on information from the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.

In Indonesia, preschool tuition fees range from IDR 15k – IDR 90k ($1.8-$10) per month. Fees are based on information from schools that provide these services in Jakarta.

In the Philippines, preschools offer pre-nursery (3 years old) and nursery (4 years old to kindergarten) programs. The monthly fee for pre-nursery is around $100 while nursery tuition can cost as much as $200 per month or more depending on the school/program. These prices are based on information from the Department of Education website.

In India, there is a huge gap in preschool tuition fees between cities like Delhi and Mumbai with parents paying up to Rs 40k ($600) per month and small towns like Agra where parents pay only Rs 4,000 ($60) per year for their children’s education. Fees are based on information collected by India Parenting Blog from parents who have sent their kids to preschool in different parts of the country.

In Sri Lanka, preschools charge a nominal fee of LKR 500-1000 ($2-$4). Fees are based on information from the Ministry of Education website.

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