What CCAs should your child join to increase their employment prospects?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Most of the students in Singapore are quite competitive and they have a very strong desire to excel. It is one of the reasons why there are so many co-curricular activities in high school.

Some of them can be very helpful while others will only make you waste your time and money. If you want to succeed, you should join those activities that will help build your future career. If you don’t know what to join, here are some ideas:

Take part in competitions such as Math Olympiad, Science Olympiad, etc. They are good for building your skills as well as learning proper time management.

What are the general schools club that helps to elevate the employment prospects?

Join the Debate Club or Model United Nations (MUN). They will give you an idea of how professional conferences work and how to properly prepare for them.

This is important if you want to become a politician or diplomat in future. If your English is not that great, join English Debating Team instead. It is an excellent way to improve it!

Join the Literary or Science Clubs. They can be a powerful addition to your CV as they demonstrate your ability to write well and critically think.

Join Math or Computer Club. Both are excellent ways to build computer programming skills that are highly valued in future.

If you don’t like them, join their partner clubs (e.g., the Business Club, the Drama Club, etc.) instead as they will give you some relevant experience for future careers.

Join Sports Clubs like badminton, volleyball, soccer team, basketball team, etc. They are great ways to build your stamina as well as learn useful life skills. Such as, being more aggressive and competitive with others in order to win! However, not all of them need excellent grades so make sure to choose carefully!

Join the Red Cross or Chinese Orchestra. They will help you build your discipline and team spirit.

Take part in volunteering activities like cleaning up the beach, helping old people cross the street, etc. Not only will it help you learn humility and compassion for others but it will also be a great addition to your CV as employers love to see that you are willing to help others!

What are some of the best co-curriculars in Singapore?

If you want to have a successful and competitive career in the future, These are some great activities to take part in:

Model United Nations (MUN) – it is an event where students are given a role of a leader and they have to represent their country and state their opinion on various world problems.

It is a great way to improve your communication skills as well as learn how to think quickly when you are under pressure. This is great for diplomacy and politics!

Debate Club – it is also about communicating with people but this time, it’s more about persuading others of your opinion so you can win the debate.

You need to be persuasive, logical, analytical, calm under pressure, etc. in order to succeed. The best thing about it is that you don’t need great grades or knowledge of some specific area in order to join!

Red Cross – it is an organization where volunteers help each other in various ways such as giving blood or donating money. Not only will you have fun but it will also help you understand what charity and compassion really mean! It will be a great addition to your CV if you want to become a doctor or social worker later on!

Business Club – it is a club where students learn more about starting and managing their own business. It will be very useful if you want to become an entrepreneur later on!

Literary Club – it is a club where students have to come up with ideas for books and then write them down. This is great for writing skills as well as being creative! It is good for future careers in journalism, literature, politics, etc.

Sports Teams – they are great opportunities to build your physical strength and stamina because after the training sessions you will be exhausted but happy! You don’t need any specific skills in order to join them!

If you like socializing, try joining badminton or volleyball team instead of baseball or soccer team as it can help you make new friends who could help you get into better universities in future!

Why do so many Singaporeans take part in co-curricular activities?

In Singapore, most of the students are very competitive and they want to excel at school. This is why there are so many co-curricular activities for high school students all over the country.

The parents want to see their child getting into a good university while the kids want to show off their achievements.

If you want to succeed in life, you should also follow this trend. After all, this is one of the reasons why Singapore is one of the most successful countries in the world!

When you join co-curricular activities, you get to learn valuable skills such as leadership or public speaking that are highly valued by future employers!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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