What is Bullying?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Bullying is a constant, persistent, aggressive behavior of an individual or group towards another individual or group that is intended to cause distress and harm.

Bullying is not only physical aggression. It may also include:

  • Verbal abuse such as name calling, teasing and taunting.
  • Social exclusion (left out alone).
  • Emotional abuse
  • Cyber-bullying (abuse using cell phones, social media
  • Intimidation

Bullying can happen in person or online. It can be between people who know each other or people who do not know each other.

Bullies are often people in positions of power over others, such as teachers, coaches and employers.

Bullies may also use their social status to intimidate others by threatening to spread rumors about them or by posting embarrassing photos on social media sites like Facebook.

They may threaten harm if the victim tells anyone about the bullying behavior. This is “mobbing” category, and it is very harmful to the person and to other children who witness this behavior.

A child who witnesses bullying can also become a target of bullying themselves. Because they have witnessed with the bullying itself.

Bullying usually happens in public places, but it also occurs in private. It can happen anywhere a person has contact with others, such as at school, home, outside or online.

Bullies use various ways to harass and intimidate their victims.

What to do when you get bullied in school?

When you are in school and feel bullied, you must have realized that it is one of the most difficult times. It can affect your performance and damage your self-esteem. Our society does not accept bullying, but unfortunately, some schools are unable to stop it completely.

The most important thing that you can do if you received bully in school is to inform a teacher or another staff member.

They should be able to help you. If they cannot, you should speak to the principal of the school or even move to another school. Sometimes, it is necessary for the sake of your safety and life that you move schools.

You can also make friends with others in your class. Try to discuss things with them and try to find ways to avoid bullying.

If all else fails, try not to take it personally. It is just a phase in your life and when you get older, bullies will start bullying others instead of you!

What to do if you are bullying others in school?

Bullying can be a tough thing to explain and a difficult act to understand. If you are bullying others in school, you should consider why you are doing it. It is really no fun to be bullied, so why do it to others?

If you are bullying others in school and do not like it, stop the act. Do not make other people feel as bad as you feel. You can talk about your situation with your parents or a close friend and ask them for advice.

You should also try and work on yourself as a person. This means improve your behavior and learn how to treat people better. You have no right to hurt other people just because they may have hurt you in some way or the other!

Bullying is never okay and should not be taken lightly. If you feel that someone is bullying you or someone else, speak with the principal of the school or inform an adult about it (teacher, parent etc.).

Bullying is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Bullying can cause serious damage to other people’s lives.

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that involves the use of technology or the Internet. It is mostly done using computers, cell phones and other electronic devices.

Cyber bullying can happen anywhere and at any time. One can be cyber bullied at school, at home or even in the workplace!

As mentioned earlier, cyber bullying can occur at any time. It can occur when you are sitting in your home alone in front of a computer or when you are sitting with friends around a cell phone.

This means that you should be aware of what you are doing on the Internet and what people say to you via text messages or on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc.

You should never post your personal data on these platforms as it could be used against you later by cyber bullies!

Cyber bullying is a serious problem and is becoming more common by the day. You should be careful about giving out information about yourself online. If someone asks for it, do not give it immediately.

Also, do not accept friend requests from people whom you do not know personally. It is better to be safe than sorry!

What happens if I get cyber bullied?

Cyber bullying is not as easy to forget as regular bullying. It can cause a lot of damage in a person’s life.

Cyber bullies can spread rumors about you, they can send you threatening text messages and they can create fake accounts on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

This will make it difficult for you to trust anyone online and will also make it difficult for you to put your true personality out there.

You should not think that cyber bullying is less serious than regular bullying, because it can have serious consequences on your life.

If you feel that someone is disturbing you or if you feel harassed or threatened by someone online, do not hesitate in speaking to someone about it! Speak to your parents, teachers or even the police if necessary!

How to stop Cyber Bullying?

If someone is cyber bullying you, the best thing that you can do is to ignore them completely! Do not respond to any messages or posts sent from this person.

If possible, block their number and do not add them as friends on social media platforms! You should also tell an adult about the incident and ask them for advice regarding the matter.

If the person continues to send abusive messages after this, inform the authorities about it!

Cyber bullies can be very persistent, but one should never give into them. It is your life and if you feel that someone is disturbing you, speak up!

You have a voice and you can use it in any way that you want! If you received bullying from someone online, do not hesitate to speak to an adult or a teacher. They will surely help you out!

Where to seek help when you are bullied?

In Singapore, you can seek help by contacting KidSafe (KinderGuides) 1800-KIDSAFE (1800-543-7233); Singapore Association for Mental Health (SMF) 6389-2222 (Mon – Fri) 9am – 5pm, Email: [email protected]

In Malaysia, you can contact the police or hotline to get counseling and help for any victims of bullying.

In Indonesia, you can seek help by contacting Center for Independence of Disabled People (CIPD)

In Philippines, you can seek help by contacting: (1) Department of Education (DepEd) – Department of Education (DepEd) Hotline: +63 2 5626651, +63 2 5648979 and +63 2 5648931 (2) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) – CWC Hotline: +63 2 527 8000 and +632 527 8090 24 hours; +63 915 9288 0916.

In India, you can seek help by contacting: (1) Childline India Foundation – Childline India Foundation Hotline: +91 11 46500400, 24 hours; +91 11 25003500, 10 am to 10 pm.

In Sri Lanka, you can seek help by contacting: (1) Sarvodaya – Sarvodaya Hotline: +94 11 2279666, 24 hours.

Don't let bullying happens. Talk with your parents and teacher regarding the issues. Feel free to share what you feel with counsellor that may help you. You may find more information in Cudy Counselling here cudy.co/sg/counselling

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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