What is Depression?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Depression is a mental illness, that does not belong to any race, ethnicity or sexuality. In fact, it is an equal opportunity illness that affects all people. Depression can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.

If you are living with depression, you are not alone. There is hope and help. You can get better and lead a happy life with the right treatment and support.

It is important to seek help if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or have depression. Then, if you are living with severe depression, you may be experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

Intense sadness and despair, including crying spells for no apparent reason; feeling empty and numb, hopelessness, pessimism; irritability (feeling easily annoyed) and/or restlessness and agitation; significant changes in appetite or sleep patterns; loss of interest in normal activities and pastimes; fatigue or loss of energy; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; recurrent thoughts about death or suicide.

If you experience any signs of depression, it is important to seek help immediately. Treatment can improve your symptoms, ability to work, relationships and quality of life.

However, during treatment your mood will improve significantly. Depression can be treated and there is hope for recovery. Depression is a treatable illness.

If you think that you might be suffering from depression, the most important thing is to seek help from a mental health professional as soon as possible.

The earlier you get professional help the better your chances of overcoming depression. Consequently, the most common course of treatment for depression is psychotherapy (‘talk therapy’) with medication combine.

Here are some signs to look out for:

You have been feeling down, depressed, sad, or have lost interest in things you used to enjoy.

  • You are constantly worrys or anxious.
  • You have lost your appetite or you overeat.
  • You have trouble sleeping and/or you sleep too much.
  • You feel tired all the time and have no energy.
  • You can’t concentrate and you can’t focus on anything.
  • You feel hopeless about the future and pessimistic about everything.
  • You feel like life is not worth living any more.
  • You feel trapped and you can’t think of a way out of your situation.
  • You may even start thinking about suicide as a way out of your problems.

We’ve compiled the hotline service centre in several countries, as follows:


If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) 24-hour hotline at 1800 221 4444 (Singapore only). Then, it connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) 24-hour hotline on 64821682 to speak to a trained volunteer.


If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Befrienders Malaysia 24-hour hotline at 03 7956 7600 (Malaysia only). Then, it connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Befrienders Malaysia 24-hour hotline on 03 7810 1333 to speak to a trained volunteer.


If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Befrienders of Indonesia 24-hour hotline at 0816 888 599 (Indonesia only). Then, you will be connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Befrienders of Indonesia 24-hour hotline at 021 77620220 to speak to a trained volunteer.


If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Suicide Prevention Center of the Philippines 24-hour hotline at 877 4-VOTE or 877 4868335 (Philippines only). Then, you will be connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Suicide Prevention Center of the Philippines 24-hour hotline at 02 723 3185 or 02 723 3184 to speak to a trained volunteer.


If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Mumbai Samaritans helpline at 022 646465 or 09003070925 (Mumbai only). Then, you will be connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Mumbai Samaritans helpline at 022 66463391 to speak to a trained volunteer.

Sri Lanka

If you are feeling suicidal please do call the Suicide Prevention Centre Sri Lanka at 0773 511 888 or 0947 511 888 (Sri Lanka only). Then, you will be connected to a trained volunteer who will listen and help you with your problems. You can also call the Suicide Prevention Centre Sri Lanka at +94 11 2201124 or +94 11 2211462 to speak to a trained volunteer.

If you are thinking of suicide, please remember that suicide is preventable. There is help available and you can get better. In fact, there are many positive reasons to live and a lot of people who care about you.

Please remember that talking to someone who listens to you is always beneficial. In Cudy, you can talk with a professional counsellor anywhere at time and in any location to help you with any issues you might have.

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