What is the best way to manage Primary School students?

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

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Answer (from a former primary school teacher):

There are two ways for you to manage primary school students: one is to treat them like adults, the other is to treat them like children.

If you treat them like adults, you will encounter problems where they don't listen to you, they don't know how to manage themselves and they don't know how to solve their own problems.

Similary, if they do something wrong, you can't scold them. If they don't know how to do their homework, you can just simply assit them tenderly. If they have a problem, you should teach them how to solve it.

If you treat them like children, you can easily control them. You can't scold them, order them, or even hit them. Hence, you can just help them with their homework when they need it. You can teach them how to solve their problems.

Treating them with patience is a better choice.

If you treat them like adults, you can't control them. If you treat them like children, you can control them. So you can help them to study, make them behave well, and help them to achieve their best.

This makes the difference between you and a primary school teacher. A primary school teacher teaches the students, while you teach the students to study.

Even though students have to learn in primary school, the teachers cannot teach them to study. Thus, they have to rely on the students' parents to teach them to study.

Consequently, you should treat them like children, and make them pay attention to you. You have to be strict with them to control what they do.

You have to teach them to behave well within the study process. Also, if you can do all of this, then you can be a good private tutor.

You can also teach them how to do their homework, but you can't teach them how to study. In addition, you can help them to manage their time, and you can teach them how to manage their own time.

You can teach them how to solve their problems, but you can't solve their problems for them. As well as, you can teach them how to understand, and you can teach them how to solve problems.

You can teach them how to think, and you can teach them how to apply what they learn to solve problems.

Cudy is a platform for tutoring the students from any grades. Cudy is presented as a platform for online class learning with effective tutoring. The tutoring features is extremely convenient to use and can be accessed at any time and from any place.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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