4 Tips To Design Emotionally Driven eLearning Courses

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

4 Tips To Design Emotionally Driven eLearning Courses

When you create an eLearning course, it’s important to design it in a way that will engage your learners. A course that is designed with emotion will be more memorable and engaging than one that isn’t.

It’s also easier to learn from courses that evoke emotions, and the more engaged your learners are, the more likely they are to complete the course. The following tips will help you design emotionally driven eLearning courses:

1. Make It Visual

If you want your learners to remember something, show it to them! Studies have shown that we remember 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we see, and 80% of what we see and hear.

This is why it’s important to use visual aids to help learners remember the information you’re presenting. You can use photos, videos, infographics, etc. to help your learners understand and retain the information you’re presenting.

2. Make It Interactive

It’s easier to learn from eLearning courses that involve some sort of interaction or activity on the part of the learner. These courses engage the learner in a way that passive courses do not.

One great way to make your course interactive is to use clickable graphics or links in your course that will take your learners to another page within the course. Another way is to incorporate quizzes or assessments into your course that will provide immediate feedback on how well your learners are learning the material.

3. Make It Engaging

In order for an eLearning course to be effective, it needs to be engaging and interactive, but it also needs to have a storyline or some sort of narrative that engages the learner emotionally as well as intellectually.

The best eLearning courses have a storyline that keeps the learner interested and involved. You can use a storyline to connect with your learners emotionally and make them feel as if they are really there.

4. Make It Meaningful

The best eLearning courses are those that have meaning for the learner. If you can relate the course material to something in your learners’ lives, it will be easier for them to remember what they’ve learned.

One way to do this is by using case studies or real-life examples of how a particular skill or piece of information can be used in the real world. Another way is to incorporate personal stories into your course that illustrate how others have used the skills or information presented in the course.

This helps make your course more meaningful and memorable for your learners.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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