5 Clues That Indicate Reading Readiness in Young Children

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

5 Clues That Indicate Reading Readiness in Young Children

There are some things you can look for that will help you know when your child is ready to learn to read.

As a parent, the best thing you can do is observe your child’s development and be aware of what is going on in his or her life. This way, you will know when he or she might be ready to learn to read.

Here are some clues that may indicate reading readiness in young children:

1.They want to write or draw all the time!

When children see how much fun adults have with pens and pencils, they will start asking for them, too. When they see how much fun adults have with markers and crayons, they will start begging for them, too!

Kids who want to write or draw often are ready for writing and drawing lessons. A love of writing and drawing also shows an interest in the written word.

They may even show an interest in letters and words at this point, but this does not mean they are ready for reading lessons yet. You still need to watch their language development first.

2. They ask lots of questions about letters, words, and numbers.

If your child has never asked any questions about letters or numbers before. But suddenly starts asking them now – it could be a sign that he or she is ready for letter recognition lessons!

Many kids who love writing and drawing will also love learning about letters. So this clue goes hand-in-hand with #1 above! (In fact – kids who love letters often enjoy drawing!)

3. They recognize pictures or describe the objects easily.

They are able to recognize pictures of familiar objects (i.e., cat) from across the room without needing their name written underneath it (or “said”).

This is an important clue because it shows that your child has developed some basic phonological awareness skills (hearing sounds within words).

When your child can identify objects by hearing their names called out from across the room – then he or she is ready for letter recognition lessons!

4. They know the alphabet song and the numbers song.

These songs are easy to learn, but they teach children how letters and numbers are supposed to sound.

This is an important clue because it shows that your child has developed some basic phonological awareness skills (hearing sounds within words).

If your child knows these songs – then he or she is ready for letter recognition lessons!

5. They recognize all their letters by sight.

You will know this is true when you start teaching them their letters and they already know them!

They might even be able to identify some of the letters from a distance without having to trace them with their fingers (e.g., in books or on TV).

Read more posts about 7 Tricks to Maintain Attention Span in Young Children or another beneficial posts on Cudy Blog page.

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