5 Points to Consider During Your Online Course Evaluation

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

5 Points to Consider During Your Online Course Evaluation

The evaluation is your opportunity to make your voice heard. There are a few things you should keep in mind as you take the time to give feedback on your online course evaluation.

1. Know Your Instructor and the Course Content

Your instructor is not a computer program; he or she is a real person who wants to help you succeed in this course. Therefore, make sure that you know your instructor and what he or she expects from you.

If you feel like your questions are not being answered, or if there are aspects of the course that you do not understand, be sure to ask for clarification.

This will help you get the most out of the course and earn the highest grade possible. You can also provide specific examples of how this information can be applied in future courses.

Also, be sure to know the course content before you begin taking the course. If you are unclear about what is expected of you, this will hinder your ability to complete the course.

2. Be Specific and Provide Specific Examples

Be specific when providing feedback about your online course. The more detail you provide, the better you will be able to explain what worked and what did not work for you in this particular course.

For example, if a question asked in an exam did not make sense to you, provide an example of how it could have been phrased differently so that it would have been easier for you to understand.

This way, future students can benefit from your feedback. If a specific topic was difficult for you to understand, be sure to provide specific examples so that the instructor can address your needs in future courses.

5 Points to Consider During Your Online Course Evaluation
Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash.

3. Do Not Criticize Your Instructor or Your Course Content

It is not uncommon for students to criticize their instructors or their online courses while completing their evaluations; however, it is important that you refrain from doing this as much as possible during your evaluation process.

This is because instructors are people too and they may take these criticisms personally and feel like they are being attacked by their students.

Instead, try to be as constructive as possible when providing feedback. Be sure to focus on the positives and avoid focusing on the negatives as much as possible.

The more specific you are, the better your instructor will be able to address your concerns and improve upon their course for future students.

4. Make Sure Your Comments Are Constructive

Be sure that your comments are helpful and constructive before submitting them to your instructor or school officials. If you do not feel like you have enough time to provide helpful feedback, ask for an extension before the deadline is reached.

You can also give constructive criticism by using positive words such as “I liked how…” instead of “I did not like how…” when discussing something that you did not enjoy about the course.

Also, make sure that your comments are well-written so that they can be easily understood by everyone who reads them.

5. Give Yourself Time to Complete Your Online Course Evaluation

Be sure to give yourself enough time to complete your online course evaluation. This will help you avoid feeling rushed and stressed out as you try to finish your evaluation before the deadline.

If you feel like you cannot give a thorough evaluation of your online course, be sure to ask for an extension before the deadline is reached.

If you are not sure how to evaluate your online course, or if you would like to learn more about the evaluation process, be sure to ask your instructor for more information.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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