There is no denying that we live in a digital world. In this digital world, some amazing technologies, such as videos, have become very popular. We can now use the internet for almost everything, including for education.
Video is one of the technologies that has become very popular in the digital world. This article will talk about why video is a good choice for eLearning, and what benefits it has to offer you as an eLearning developer.
1. Increased Engagement
Video can increase engagement in several ways. According to Nielsen Norman Group, when compared to other media, video has the highest engagement potential.
It also has the highest retention rate of any medium because both the left and right sides of the brain process it, allowing for easier understanding and long-term memory retention.
2. Easier to Understand
Because both sides of the brain process videos, they are easier to understand than text or audio-only content. They allow for visual cues that will help learners better grasp difficult concepts.
You can also pair videos with other content types such as text or images, which further increases their effectiveness in increasing understanding.
3. More Realistic Experiences
People are visual learners and often prefer to learn from a visual perspective rather than an auditory one.
A study by Loyola University Chicago found that people who watched videos learned more than those who read about the same topics because videos are more realistic and offer an experiential learning experience that is difficult to get from written content alone.
Videos can show people what something looks like, how it works, how it feels, and how others use it in real life.
4. Easy to Share
Videos are easy to share with others and can be embedded on any website or blog.
This makes it easy for others to view the content, and it also means that it is more likely to be seen by a larger audience than a written article would be.
5. Increased Retention Rates
A study by Forrester Research found that videos increase retention rates by 94 percent compared to other types of content.
According to the study, videos can improve comprehension, recall, and general knowledge of concepts better than text-based content or even live demonstrations.
Technology Has Changes Learning Method
It’s no surprise that more and more businesses are using video in their eLearning programs. With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why. As a result, more and more learning designers are turning to the use of video in their courses.
What are your thoughts on using video in eLearning? Are you using it in your courses? What has been your experience with using video? Let us know in the comments below!
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