7 Ways To Use LMS Metrics To Create More Targeted eLearning Resources

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

7 Ways To Use LMS Metrics To Create More Targeted eLearning Resources

LMSs provide a wealth of data about how your eLearning courses are being used. When you take the time to look at the data, you can discover opportunities to create more targeted resources. This infographic offers seven ways to use LMS metrics to create more targeted eLearning resources.

Look at the course activity.

LMSs track how often learners are accessing your courses. You can use this data to determine which courses need to be updated and which are not being used.

Check course completion rates.

The completion rate of a course is one of the most important metrics for an LMS. A high completion rate indicates that learners are finding value in the course and will complete it. A low completion rate may indicate that your eLearning is not providing enough value or that the design is flawed. In either case, it's worth taking a look at the course to see if there's anything you can do to improve it.

Consider what skills are being tested more than others in your LMS assessments.

If you have an assessment for each course, look at which ones have the highest pass rates and which ones have the lowest pass rates. You can use this information to decide what skills need more attention and what content needs to be added or removed from courses that are not providing enough value for learners in order to help them pass their assessments with flying colors!

Review the completion times of courses.

You can also look at how long it takes learners to complete courses. This data can help you identify which courses are too long and which ones are too short. In either case, you can decide whether or not to revise the course based on this information.

Look at the percentage of users who are logged in and accessing your LMS each day.

This data is especially important if you're paying for your LMS license by the number of users who access it. If there are a lot of users who aren't logging in, you may want to consider moving to a per-seat model or cutting back on your license costs until there's more activity in your LMS.

Check the activity levels of courses each month and see if they’re rising or falling over time.

You may want to compare this data with your enrollment numbers from previous months as well as with other indicators like lead generation data and job posting results from Indeed or LinkedIn, for example, to determine whether you need to add new content or remove existing content in order to improve course activity levels over time.

Good understanding.

In order to take advantage of the full value of your LMS, you need to have a good understanding of how your courses are being used. When you take the time to look at the data, you can discover opportunities to create more targeted resources. This infographic offers seven ways to use LMS metrics to create more targeted eLearning resources.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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