8 Questions To Ask About Your eLearning Audience

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

8 Questions To Ask About Your eLearning Audience

If you are amid designing your next eLearning course, or have a current course in development, ask yourself these questions to ensure that your eLearning audience is the right fit for your course.

1. What Are Their Backgrounds?

When building an effective eLearning course, you want to make sure that you are creating a product that meets the needs of your audience.

This means that you should ask yourself what the background and skill level of your target audience is.

If you are creating a course for millennials, it is likely that they have some experience with technology and know how to use a computer.

2. What Are Their Learning Styles?

Learning styles are something that you should take into consideration when designing your eLearning course.

Learning styles differ from learning preferences, and it is important to understand the difference.

Time and time again, we have seen a trend in learning styles emerge: Visual learners like to learn by seeing. They prefer video and text to the audio format.

Auditory learners prefer listening to visual content. Kinesthetic learners like learning through physical activity or working with tools or objects; therefore, incorporate activities such as playing games, working with virtual tools, or making simulations on a computer screen.

3. What Are Their Work Styles?

In creating eLearning courses, you need to make sure that you are meeting the needs of your audience in terms of their work styles.

If your audience works in a high-paced environment, then it is likely that they will have a shorter attention span. This means that you should create more frequent breaks in your course.

If your audience works in a slower paced environment, then they will likely have a longer attention span and can handle longer blocks of content.

8 Questions To Ask About Your eLearning Audience

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash.

4. What Is Their Learning Level?

Understanding the learning level of your audience is important when designing an eLearning course.

It is likely that different members of your audience will have different levels of knowledge on the subject being covered in the course.

This means that you should think about how much information you need to include for each learner so that they feel confident in their ability to complete the tasks at hand.

5. What Is Their Learning Preference?

Knowing what your audience's learning preference is important in designing an eLearning course. Some people learn better with background music, while others prefer radio silence.

By knowing what their preferred learning style is, you can ensure that you are creating a course that caters to their needs.

You can present training material in many ways, and the learning preference of your audience will have a big impact on how you present the material.

RELATED: How to Successfully Create a Self-Paced eLearning Course into Your LMS

6. What Is Their Language Preference?

One of the most important things to consider when creating an eLearning course is the language preference of your audience.

If you are creating a course for a company based in China, then it is likely that your audience will have a strong preference for Chinese language content.

By understanding this preference, you can ensure that your course meets the needs of your audience and helps them to become more successful in their job role.

7. What Are Their Goals?

It is important to understand the goals of your audience when designing an eLearning course for them.

For example, if you are creating a course for someone who works in customer service, then it would be helpful to know whether they want to advance within their organization or perhaps take on more responsibility in their current role.

Knowing this information will help you design a more effective eLearning course.

8 Questions To Ask About Your eLearning Audience

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash.

8. What Are Their Barriers To Learning?

Finally, it is important to understand the barriers that your audience has to learning. By understanding these barriers, you can create a course that helps them overcome these barriers and learn more effectively.

For example, if your audience is having trouble understanding what you said in your contents, then you can create subtitles to make it clearer for them.

By understanding what barriers your audience has to learning, you can create a more effective eLearning course.

Be A More Efficient Tutor Now

By asking yourself these eight questions, you will ensure that your eLearning course is truly effective and meets the needs of your audience.

Take the first step to becoming a Cudy Tutor. Cudy is an online platform for tutors and students. We have several features that will help you be more efficient, increase your revenue, and get more students!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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