8 Tips On Developing An eLearning Course In Your LMS

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

8 Tips On Developing An eLearning Course In Your LMS

The 8 Tips On Developing An eLearning Course In Your LMS are listed below:

Tip 1

Before you start, ask yourself the following questions: What is the goal of the course? Who is the audience? What knowledge and skills do they need to achieve the goal? What are the most effective ways to deliver the knowledge and skills?

Tip 2

Develop your objectives. Be specific.

Tip 3

Decide on your learning design. Choose a combination of media and instructional strategies that will help you achieve your objectives.

Be sure to include multimedia elements that will help learners retain information and maximize their learning experience.

Tip 4

Consider what other resources you might need to develop an effective course, such as outside experts, equipment, or software.

Tip 5

Decide how much time you have available for development and what resources you have available for course development.

Tip 6

Build in flexibility into your design, such as branching scenarios or multiple-choice questions, so that you can accommodate different learning styles or allow for more practice or review of the material.

Tip 7

Involve learners in determining how they would like to receive feedback on their progress and how they would like to receive encouragement during their coursework (such as e-mail notifications or bulletin board messages).

Tip 8

Provide for the maximum amount of interactivity in your course so that learners can make choices and actively participate in their learning.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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