8 Tips To Produce Microlearning Videos For eLearning

Written By: Cudy

25th April 2023

8 Tips To Produce Microlearning Videos For eLearning

Microlearning is the latest trend in the world of learning and development. Microlearning is all about creating small learning chunks that can be consumed easily and rapidly.

There are a number of reasons why microlearning is the best way to go for creating engaging content for learners. Here are some tips to create microlearning videos for eLearning:

1. Find A Perfect Format For Your Video

The first thing you need to decide when you are making a microlearning video is the format of your video. Is it going to be a screencast or will it be an animated video?

Or maybe you want to create a live-action video? You can even use whiteboard animation, which is also becoming popular these days.

Choose whatever suits your content best and gives you the maximum flexibility in editing. It should be something that doesn’t require any complex editing techniques and it should not be too time-consuming either.

It will also help if you use something that can help engage your audience as well as deliver your message in an easy manner.

2. Create An Impactful Storyboard And Scripts For Your Video

Once you have decided on the format, next you need to decide on the storyboard and the script for your video. A good storyboard will help you to visualize how your video will look like and will help you to decide on the number of frames that you are going to use.

Once you have created a good storyboard, next comes the script. The script should be something that is easy to understand and it should be in a conversational tone. It should also make sure that the viewer is able to remember what he or she has learnt from your video.

3. Use Audio And Visuals In Your Microlearning Videos

You should not only use audio in your microlearning videos but also visuals as well. It helps keep your audience engaged with what they are watching and it also helps them retain more information than if they were just listening to audio-only.

This is why it is important for you to choose the right visuals for your microlearning videos so that they can give enough context and make sure that viewers can easily follow along with what they are seeing as well as what they are hearing.

4. Try To Keep It Short And Concise

You should keep your microlearning videos short and concise so that you can easily deliver your message to your audience. A good microlearning video should be something that can be easily consumed by the audience in a short amount of time.

The shorter the video, the better it is for learners as they will be able to finish it quickly and will not get bored of watching it over and over again. You should also make sure that you include a good call to action at the end of your video so that viewers know what they need to do next after watching your video.

5. Use Animation To Make Your Microlearning Videos More Engaging

Animation is one of the best ways to engage learners in a more engaging manner and it is also one of the best ways to explain concepts in an easy manner for them to understand as well as remember. This is why you should definitely consider using animation while creating microlearning videos for eLearning.

It is also a good idea to use animation in your microlearning videos as it helps keep your audience engaged with what they are watching and it also helps them retain more information than if they were just listening to audio-only.

This is why it is important for you to choose the right visuals for your microlearning videos so that they can give enough context and make sure that viewers can easily follow along with what they are seeing as well as what they are hearing.

6. Don’t Make Your Microlearning Videos Too Long

While you might be tempted to create a long video, this is not a good idea at all. It is always better to keep your microlearning videos short and concise so that learners can easily digest the information and do not get bored of watching the same thing over and over again.

It is also important for you to make sure that you include a good call to action at the end of your video so that viewers know what they need to do next after watching your video.

7. Keep The Content Relevant To Your Audience

It is very important for you to make sure that the content of your microlearning videos is relevant to your audience and that it will help them learn more about the topic. It is also important for you to make sure that you do not make your microlearning videos too boring or too difficult to understand.

You should also make sure that you include a good call to action at the end of your video so that viewers know what they need to do next after watching your video.

8. Make Sure That Your Microlearning Videos Are Easy To Find

One of the biggest problems with microlearning videos is that they are very hard to find as most of them are scattered all over the internet. This is why it is important for you to create a central place where all your microlearning videos can be found in one place so that people can easily find them when they need them.

You can use YouTube or Vimeo as well as other similar platforms so that you can create a central hub for all your micro-learning videos and it will help your audience find them easily when they need them.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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