A Comprehensive Guide About Moving on From O-Level to Polytechnic

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

A Comprehensive Guide About Moving on From O-Level to Polytechnic

For a lot of students, the move from O-Level to Polytechnic is quite easy and seamless. You would be happy to find out that many Polytechnics have almost the same curriculum as your previous school.

The main difference between the two is that you will get a more technical education at the Polytechnic, which will help you land a job in future.

However, some students still face difficulty when it comes to making this transition.

To help you ease into this new phase of your life, we have compiled this article with tips on how to make the transition from O-Level to Polytechnic smoother for you.

1.Do Your Research About Your New School

In order for you to make the most out of your time at your new school, it is important that you research about it before hand.

A lot of information can be found online these days and all you need to do is use your internet connection wisely and search for it!

If there are specific questions that are bothering you about your new school, ask them on forums or discussion boards and see what other people have said about it.

This way, when you actually go to school, you would already know a few things about it beforehand.

2. Get Familiar With Your New Environment

If this is not your first time transferring schools then this tip might not be useful for you but if this is your first time moving on from O-Levels to Polytechnic.

Then getting familiar with your new environment might be very helpful for getting used to everything around you quickly.

After all, knowing where things are located in your new environment can make things easier for when something happens like an emergency or something like that.

So if there’s something wrong with one of the facilities in school or even if there’s just a student who needs help urgently.

Then finding him/her would be easier since they would know where he/she was most likely heading towards!

So remember – always keep an eye out on where things are located in school because getting familiar with them can really help when some emergency happens!

3. Find Out Where Your Classes Are Located

Just like the previous tip, it is also important that you find out where your classes are located. It would be best if you familiarize yourself with the building’s layout and its different facilities beforehand.

So that you won’t have to ask for directions when it comes time for your first class.

The reason why this is important is because you wouldn’t want to be late for your first class since the teacher might think that you are not interested in his/her class or that you are irresponsible.

4. Get Familiar With Your New Teachers

You should also try to get familiar with your new teachers as well. This way, they would know who you are and they will be able to remember your name when they call out roll!

Getting familiar with them will also help them get used to seeing you around school which in turn can help build rapport between them and their students which can lead to a better relationship!

5. Learn Your Way Around School Quickly And Efficiently

When transferring schools from O-Levels to Polytechnic, knowing how the school works can help a lot of students.

Because some of them might not be used going around new places and some of them might not know how certain things work such as using the elevator or even getting from one place to another efficiently.

This way, by knowing how everything works in school (like where everything is located), it would definitely make things easier on your part especially.

If there’s an emergency and everyone needs to go somewhere quickly or if there’s a fire drill!

In summary

If you want to be successful in your new school, it is important that you familiarize yourself with your new environment.

This way, you would know where everything is located and this would make things easier for you and everyone else in the school!

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