eLearning 101: How Can You Create Your Own?

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

eLearning Simulations 101: What Are They and How Can You Create Your Own?

One of the most exciting aspects of this new digital world is creating and distributing simulations for eLearning purposes. It’s also one of the most under-utilized aspects because many digital learning developers have no idea where to begin or what they should do with simulations.

This post explores a simulation, how it can aid the learning process, what it can do for an organization, and how you can create your own simulation.

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eLearning Simulations 101: What Are They and How Can You Create Your Own?
eLearning Simulations 101: What Are They and How Can You Create Your Own?

What is an eLearning Simulation?

An eLearning simulation is a type of online learning that uses digital technology to create an environment where learners can experience a situation and practice the skills required to resolve challenges in their courses. They can simulate almost any type of application or learning situation.

For example, a simulation use to conduct a practice. The steps in starting a new job, creating a marketing plan, or applying for a home loan. It can simulate events that are more likely to be dangerous or life-threatening.

A simulation can make it possible for learners to experience the aftermath of an earthquake (or another natural disaster) or an attack by an armed intruder. The possibilities of the digital learning content are endless.

Simulations can make you try other digital learning forms, such as videos and interactive scenarios. In such cases, they use as “interactive videos” that prompt learners to take action within the environment.

For example, in some safety and compliance simulations, learners may interact with actors playing characters within the simulation; they may even have opportunities to respond and make decisions during the action. This is much more engaging than watching a video in which actors act out scripted lines; it’s more like watching a play.

Are Simulations Based on Artificial Intelligence?

A simulation can be generated using artificial intelligence. A computer program can create a realistic environment that can respond to learners’ actions and monitor their learning progress. However, not all simulation content is using artificial intelligence; some simulation uses more basic technology, such as videos with branching options.

The simulation that uses artificial intelligence and other advanced technology in its courses tend to be more interactive and engaging than those that don’t.

What are the Most Common Types of eLearning Simulations?

There are several types of simulations. Those include:

Education simulations

An education simulation is there to teach and reinforce skills related to academics. For example, they can teach skills related to a specific subject or topic. They design for developing the skills required for a test. This simulation typically involves software that creates the learning environment and provides interactive learning solution.

Safety and compliance simulations

A safety and compliance simulation train employees on the proper procedures for responding when dangerous situations arise. These simulations may be focused on specific types of incidents (such as armed intruder scenarios). They may be more generalized (such as fire, earthquake, tornado, or flooding simulations).

Sales simulations

Sales simulations are used to provide employees with the content, including selling a product or service. They help employees to hone their skills and improve their ability to deliver sales presentations. Sales simulations tend to be more interactive than other forms of simulations.

They may require specific responses from learners that are then scored or evaluated. They can also be used in conjunction with video content that portrays the sales situations being simulated.

Customer service simulations

Customer service simulations train employees on how to handle specific customer service situations. These simulations often involve a combination of videos and interactive elements, such as quizzes or tests.

The most effective customer service simulations reflect real-world situations but take out variables like noise and distractions that could distract learners from the learning objectives. This is known as “complete immersion” training because it gives a realistic experience but eliminates other elements that might detract from the learning objectives.

Technical training simulations

Technical training simulations are used to provide employees with the experience of carrying out the procedures associated with a particular job or task.

These simulations can train employees on equipment or software. that they have never used before or provide refresher software training on the equipment they have already mastered. They can also use in conjunction with videos that show how to operate the equipment; this is known as “video-based digital learning”.

What are the Limitations of Elearning Simulations?

As with all digital learning, the effectiveness of simulations depends on the quality of the content and the interactivity level. Moreover, simulations are only as effective as the learner’s experience. For example, a sales simulation might be great for training a salesperson on handling objections. Still, it won’t be very effective if the salesperson has no previous experience selling products or services.

Another limitation of digital learning simulations is that they are often more expensive than other types of content. While this doesn’t mean they can’t be cost-effective in some cases, it is something to keep in mind.

Simulations have limitations, but they also have a lot of potential for enhancing training and providing valuable experiences for learners who can then apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations. To create an interactive simulation, you need to understand how it works and what makes it effective.

Simulations offer some important advantages for the digital learning developer. First, they can create a more realistic environment that replicates real-world situations.

Easy Learning for a Difficult Subject

This is particularly beneficial when the learning objectives deal with skills and concepts that are difficult, dangerous, or even potentially life-threatening. It’s difficult to create a training scenario that simulates such situations without creating real danger for learners.

Interactive simulations also allow you to test learners’ responses in a safe environment. They can test responses to various situations and determine how well learners respond when they encounter these situations outside of the simulation.

This is very useful in determining which learning strategies work best for different people and need additional training to hone their skill.

Elearning also useful in ensuring that employees for various scenarios; this can reduce liability, protect assets, and improve overall decision making and performance.

Simulations can be an important part of digital learning. They are often more effective than other digital learning types because they make it possible to experience situations in a safe and controlled environment. They can also help employees to develop a skill that they can then apply in real-world situations.

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