Active Learning: 8 Creative Ways To Encourage Learner Participation And Reflection In eLearning

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

Active Learning: 8 Creative Ways To Encourage Learner Participation And Reflection In eLearning

Active learning, like most teaching, is a two-way street. While the instructor teaches the material, the learner must do his or her part to actively participate in the learning process.

It's important for instructors to foster this type of participation so that learners are encouraged to think about what they're learning and apply it in their lives.

Here are some great ways to encourage learner participation and reflection in eLearning.

1: Ask Questions

Answering questions is a great way for learners to get involved in an eLearning course. A question can be as simple as "What do you think?" or as complex as "How could we solve this problem differently?"

The key is asking questions that will help learners think about what they're learning rather than simply answering what you want them to say. And don't forget to allow time for learners to ask questions themselves!

Active Learning: 8 Creative Ways To Encourage Learner Participation And Reflection In eLearning
Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash.

2: Use Discussion Boards Or Forums

Discussion boards or forums are a great way for learners to get involved with each other while also getting involved with the material being taught.

You can encourage participation by starting discussions yourself or encouraging learners to start discussions on their own.

And don't forget about voting – learners will often vote on other participants' responses, which can be a great way to encourage them to think about what they're learning.

3: Use Reflection Activities

Reflection activities are a great way for learners to get involved with the material being taught. They also help the learner learn how to reflect on what they're learning.

To encourage reflection, try having learners write about what they've learned, draw pictures of it, or even answer questions about it.

Be sure to include reflection activities at the end of every module so that learners can think about what they've learned and begin thinking about how it applies in their lives.

4: Have Learners Create Their Own Exercises Or Examples

Creating exercises or examples is a great way for learners to get involved with the material being taught – especially if you let them create examples that apply directly to their own lives!

You can also let them create additional exercises and examples for future courses.

Asking learners to create their own examples and exercises will help them feel more invested in the course and will help you get more out of your course materials as well!

5: Let Learners Work Together In Collaborative Groups

Working together in collaborative groups is a great way for learners to get involved with each other while also getting involved with the material being taught.

It's also a great way for learners to practice working together in groups, which is an important skill for them to learn. And it's a great way for you to get more out of your course materials as well!

6: Give Learners Hands-On Opportunities To Apply What They’re Learning

Giving learners hands-on opportunities to apply what they're learning is a great way for them to get involved with the material being taught. And it's also a great way for them to get more out of your course materials as well!

Try having learners create their own examples or exercises, or try having them solve problems themselves rather than just providing answers.

If you ask students to write their own examples and exercises, it will help them to feel more engaged in the course. It will also help you to get more out of your course materials.

Active Learning: 8 Creative Ways To Encourage Learner Participation And Reflection In eLearning
Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash.

7: Have Learners Present Their Own Work To The Group

Presenting work is a great way for learners to get involved with each other while also getting involved with the material being taught.

It's also a great way for learners to practice presenting their work, which is an important skill for them to learn. And it's a great way for you to get more out of your course materials as well!

8: Have Learners Participate In Virtual Classroom Discussions

Virtual classroom discussions are a great way for learners to get involved with each other while also getting involved with the material being taught.

It's also a great way for learners to practice interacting with others, which is an important skill for them to learn. And it's a great way for you to get more out of your course materials as well!

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By encouraging learner participation and reflection in eLearning, you'll be encouraging them to take ownership of their own learning.

And when they take ownership of their own learning, they'll be more likely to retain what they've learned and apply it in their lives.

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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