Kuliah merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting untuk menjadi profesional di bidang karir. Karena itu, banyak sekali siswa yang berpikir bagaimana cara memilih jurusan kuliah yang tepat. Jurusan yang dipilih tidak menyebabkan menyesal di kemudian hari. Setelah mengenyam pendidikan selama 9 tahun di SD, SMP, dan SMA/SMK, maka kehidupan di perguruan tinggi akan memberi persiapan untuk […]
S/u system is a spesific grading scheme for University level. University admission, or getting into a good university, is a complex and often stressful process. You have to study hard for your exams, but you also have to decide which course you want to learn. Many people want to get into medicine, engineering, or the […]
Healthy student lifestyle is actually a balance life of a student. They can haave a good students life while maintaining their private lives. However, it has different meanings to different people, and there is no one definition for this term. For some people, healthy students lifestyle means getting enough sleep and exercise and eating a […]
Coosing the University can be very challenging for a new students. It will give you great effect in the future. There are many factors that every student should consider when choosing his university, whether it is public or private. In this guide, you will find what to consider when choosing a university and how to […]
Scholarship interview and grants can come in many forms. They can be awarded to students who have a certain GPA, attend a specific school, or demonstrate a specific talent and/or skill. Some grants may require you to submit an essay before you can get any money for college. Always keep this in mind as you […]
Make your time in University can be one of the most challenging parts when you are in University life. So, you’ve done it. You’ve got yourself a place in university, and now you have to get through it. For most of us, our academic journey may not be the most fun time in our lives, […]
Life hacks for University is the way you can do to make a balance life during your college life. It's finally time to move into your university accommodation, and you have absolutely no idea what you are going to do with yourself. Dorm life can be tricky. Everyone tells you that you will be fine […]
The first year of college or the freshman year is an exciting time, but it can also be difficult. As a college freshman, you're expected to learn how to be away from home, budget your time and money, and balance studying with social activity. Additionally, you need to make friends and figure out the best […]
Rejected scholarship application sometimes happen to a student. Thats why you need to know how to overcome it. Most schools have a scholarship committee that sees the applications for review and decides which student will receive the award. Suppose you feel that you were unfairly denied a scholarship. In this situation, you can appeal to […]
Overseas scholarships are among the most effective ways students can ease the financial burden of their education. Students who experience a lot of financial hardship would find it beneficial to look for one. Scholarships are available in different forms and from various sources, including online scholarship applications, school-specific scholarship opportunities, various organizations and institutions. The […]
Choose the right scholarship is not an easy thing to do. You as a student have to consider a few things before deciding to apply for a scholarship. Most colleges, universities, and trade schools offer some financial aid. Whether through loans, grants, or a scholarship program, a little help with tuition can go a long […]
Guide to scholarships are a great way to pay for your school without having to pay the full tuition fee. They give lots of scholarships to students who have outstanding academic achievements and who show immense leadership qualities. Students who excel academically, part-take in extra-curricular activities, and have excellent leadership skills usually receive scholarships. Organizations […]
Scholarships are among the most effective ways students can fund their education. Scholarships are available in different forms and from various sources. It includes online scholarship applications, school-specific scholarship opportunities, and various organizations and institutions. The federal and state governments offer the scholarship program; private organizations and corporations also offer those for the applicant. Some […]
What is Gamification? The definition of gamification in teaching is the process of adding game-design elements to non-game contexts. The goal of gamification is to make more engaging class activities, increase desired behaviors, and provide feedback as an achievement. We use gamification techniques to engage and encourage students to learn skills outside the traditional classroom […]
Training program is the way for you to get the best educational system for your self-development. In today's world, training is necessary for employees. Still, it is also a business imperative for companies to provide the required training and development to their employees to keep the workforce updated with the latest knowledge, ideas, and skills […]