Selama ini banyak orang yang menyatakan bahwa Bimbel Online lebih bagus daripada Bimbel Offline. Terlebih lagi, para pengguna Bimbel Online di berbagai negara dengan semakin komitmen meningkatkan kualitas Bimbel Online. Namun, ada beberapa hal yang membuat kekhawatiran orang-orang bahwa tidak selamanya Bimbel Online lebih bagus daripada Bimbel Offline. Hal ini berlaku bagi orang-orang yang […]
Seperti yang sudah banyak diketahui orang tua maupun murid, ada beberapa jasa bimbel yang sudah berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Jasa bimbel konvensional yang menyediakan metode pembelajaran antara guru atau tutor dengan muridnya pun mulai kehilangan tempatnya. Ada beberapa sebab yang menyebabkan bimbel konvensional semakin jatuh dibawah. Salah satunya adalah bimbel online yang menjadi trend saat […]
Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) merupakan salah satu jenis perguruan tinggi yang ada di Indonesia. PTN memiliki beberapa jenis program studi yang ditawarkan kepada mahasiswa, seperti: jurusan kedokteran, jurusan teknik, jurusan akuntansi, dan lain-lain. Banyaknya program studi yang ditawarkan PTN menjadikan seorang mahasiswa bisa memilih jurusan yang sesuai dengan keinginannya. Selain itu, program studi yang ditawarkan […]
Accounting tutoring has become a popular service for students who want to learn accounting. Accounting is the analysis, acknowledgement or provision of assurance about economic information that helps administrators, investors, tax professionals, and others make judgments about allocating resources. The managerial accounting cycle is the fundamental process that describes the activities associated with recording, reporting […]
1. Develop a plan for your courses Whether you are launching a single course or an entire program, you need to have a plan in place for promoting your online courses. While it may seem easier to just let the students find you, it’s best to take the initiative and promote your online courses. The […]
Creating an active and collaborative learning environment for your online course is an important aspect of successful online teaching. In fact, it is a critical component in developing a positive learning experience for your students. In order to create this type of environment, you will need to make a number of decisions regarding the course […]
1. Develop a regular study schedule. Set aside time every day for studying, whether it is an hour or two, and stick to it. Plan to use this time every day and treat it as an appointment that you can’t miss or reschedule. You may find that some days you can’t make the full time, […]
While eLearning is an excellent tool for internal training, it can also be used to market your business to potential customers. If you’re not using video to showcase your products and services, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity. Here are 5 reasons why startups should embrace eLearning: 1. Low cost of entry For a […]
An issue we can see in some eLearning courses is dropouts. The reasons for this are often due to a lack of engagement or interest in the subject matter, which is quite common with compliance courses. To avoid this problem, you need to make sure that your course is interesting. Follow these tips to keep […]
There are many reasons why a learner may drop out of an online course. Some learners leave because they find the course too difficult or not what they expected. Others leave because they are unhappy with the teaching methods or have poor communication with the instructor. And some learners leave because they have personal issues […]
The learning management systems (LMS) are the digital platforms that help you manage your online training courses. These are the digital platforms that help you in creating, designing and delivering your eLearning courses. If you want to create a training course content for your employees or learner, then the eLearning development tools can help you […]
Ever watched an eLearning video that's so boring you want to fall asleep? Perhaps it was the video quality, the pacing, the background sound, or the voiceover narration. eLearning is all about your audience, so your online learning video's success relies on more than just a compelling script. Suppose you are a teacher or a tutor. […]
Finding the best Science Home Tuition for Primary School Students is not easy. Here are some tips to help you find the right one. Check with parents You should start by checking with your parents or guardians. If they know of any Science Home Tuition for Primary School Students that you can take lessons from. […]
Both are equally good. The ideal situation is to learn in a group and also with private tuition. Group learning will teach you the basics and private tuition will help you develop a deep understanding of the topic. If you are an average student, group learning will be more than enough. But if you are […]
What You Need To Know About Secondary Higher Chinese Home Tutor Home Tutor Job Duties Help your child to improve his or her understanding of Secondary Higher Chinese with our Secondary Higher Chinese home tutor. A home tutor is trained to help students who are having difficulty in the classroom. If your child is struggling […]