In the family, parents will always have serious concerns about the education of their children. They tend to seek out the best possible schools for their children, so they can give them the best possible chance of developing moral character as well as a good education. However, at present, the education sector has a quite […]
Awal perjalanan dan transisi ke sekolah dasar merupakan masa ketidakpastian, terutama bagi orang tua dari anak berkebutuhan khusus. Kami dapat memahami mengapa orang tua mungkin merasa cemas dan tidak yakin tentang transisi anak mereka ke sekolah dasar. Terutama, ketika ada beberapa hal yang tidak diketahui dan faktor yang mempengaruhi proses tersebut. Namun, ada beberapa cara […]
The start of primary school journey is a time of uncertainty, especially for parents of children with special needs. We can understand why parents may feel anxious and unsure about their child’s transition to primary school, as there are several unknowns and factors that affect the process. However, there are ways in which parents can […]
School routines and summer vacation are the perfect times to get kids ready for the new school year. The transition back to school can be a stressful time for both parents and children. Getting kids back into a routine and getting them excited about the upcoming school year is crucial to helping them get on […]
Reading aloud to your children is one of the most powerful ways to build a love of reading in them. Reading with your children can also help you and your child communicate better, encourage their imagination, teach them how to think critically, increase their self-esteem, and make the world a smaller place. Here are 5 […]
New school environments, new friendships, extra activities, and a new way of thinking are all part of moving from primary to secondary school. Children have a great deal of change to make, and they need help. Poor communication between the family and the school often makes this transition more difficult. Parents need to know what […]
Memasuki sekolah dasar—atau kelas 1 SD—adalah saat yang penuh kegembiraan dan perubahan bagi anak Anda. Anak Anda akan belajar hal-hal baru dan bertemu teman-teman baru. Tentu pengalaman ini merupakan hal yang menyenangkan. Namun, Anda harus ingat bahwa ini adalah waktu yang sangat sibuk bagi anak Anda dan dia perlu mempelajari dasar-dasar keterampilan hidup yang penting. […]
Whether it‘s elementary school, middle school, or high school, you can improve your child‘s performance by making some simple changes. The following are 10 tips to help your child learn better and perform better in school. 1. Start Early It’s never too early to start a program of regular reading and spelling. A young child’s […]
One of the hardest parts of going back to school is getting the kids ready. Kids can be really difficult to get ready for school. In this article, we will discuss how to get your kids ready for school. 1. Getting them up early Getting the kids up early is one of the most important […]
You want your child to succeed in school, but you don’t want them to cram all night and learn in a robotic way. Here are some ways you can help your child learn better and enjoy the process. 1. Make learning fun We live in a world of constant fun. We can watch movies, play […]
Parent volunteers are students' parents who are willingly to give some help in school. The education system is perhaps one of the most important domains that parents are involved in. Parents have an important role to play as partners in ensuring that their children continue to receive a good education. For this reason, parents are […]
The fact that children can now use the internet as a tool for learning at home. It has made eLearning as an area of study that many people are very interested in. This article will take you through five simple steps that will help you to teach your child about eLearning. Introducing The eLearning Technology […]
Many parents have reported being extremely stressed out about their child’s PSLE, even if they are not in the top cohort. Major exam pressures are so great that some parents feel their child’s PSLE will determine their career path. Some are concerned that their child may not do well enough to get into the secondary […]
Motivating your child is essential for success. When children have the proper motivation, they will work hard to achieve their goals. Motivation for children is easy if you are willing to learn about what motivates them. This article will give you some tips on how to motivate your child to be successful. When trying to […]