Cara Jago 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contohnya
Berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak menggunakan konsep waktu, kita biasanya hanya menambahkan keterangan seperti "kemarin," "dulu," "besok," "lusa," "tahun depan," atau "nanti," ketika ingin menjelaskan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan pada waktu tertentu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita mengenal konsep waktu yang diatur oleh tenses. Ada beberapa tenses yang sering digunakan, antara lain past, present, dan […]


24th April 2023

Gerund dan To Infititives: Apa Bedanya?
Dalam bahasa Inggris, struktur kalimat dan grammar adalah dua hal penting yang perlu dipahami dengan baik oleh setiap siswa yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Gerund dan to infinitives adalah contohnya. Struktur kalimat merupakan penjabaran sederhana mengenai pola kalimat yang banyak dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan grammar merupakan penjabaran yang lebih rumit mengenai pola kalimat dan bentuk-bentuk […]


24th April 2023

Tips Jitu Belajar Efektif dan Meningkatkan Prestasi
Belajar adalah hal yang harus dilakukan secara terus menerus untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Dengan begitu, belajar efektif bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dan mudah dilakukan. Di sekolah, di universitas, di pekerjaan, ataupun di rumah, semua orang harus melakukan upaya untuk belajar secara terus menerus. Meski sekolah memiliki sarana dan prasarana belajar yang memadai, kegiatan belajar terus […]


24th April 2023

Become an Expert in Instructional Design
Learn how to develop instructional content that enhances the overall effectiveness of your courses and your organization. Learn how to develop instructional content that enhances the overall effectiveness of your courses and your organization. Enhance Your Marketing and Sales Effectiveness Gain a thorough understanding of how to enhance the marketing and sales effectiveness of any […]


25th April 2023

10 Success Factors for Online Learners
1. Make sure that the course is right for you Make sure that the course you are taking is one that you can actually complete. It’s important to realize that online courses are often rigorous and require more time and energy than traditional classroom courses. Some online courses may not be suitable for people who […]


25th April 2023

8 Steps to Create Transformative Learning Experiences
Transformative learning is a collaborative process that focuses on the individual’s intrinsic motivation to learn. It is also a change in behavior that results from the learning experience. To create transformative learning experiences, you must: 1. Choose an appropriate learning experience for your students. Consider choosing an existing one or creating a new one specifically […]


25th April 2023

5 Ways to use Role-Playing in eLearning
1. Demonstrate a Product Let’s say you’re creating an eLearning course to demonstrate a new product or piece of equipment. Instead of explaining how it works, why not create a story that shows someone using the product? Your learners will get a more immersive experience that helps them learn how to use the product better. […]


25th April 2023

Using Humor In eLearning: What To Do And What To Avoid
Humor can be an excellent tool for creating a positive learning environment. Used effectively, humor can improve learning by making the material more memorable and increasing learner motivation. Using humor in eLearning should be done with care, however. Done poorly, humor can turn off learners and even distract them from the training material. Here are […]


25th April 2023

How To Use Social Intelligence In eLearning
Social intelligence is a set of skills that help you connect with people. These skills include empathy, perspective taking, collaboration, listening, and persuasion. Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In eLearning, empathy can create meaningful connections between you and your learners. By understanding your learners’ feelings and […]


25th April 2023

5 Tips for Applying Differentiated Instruction in eLearning
In this article, I share 5 tips for applying differentiated instruction in eLearning. If you’re looking for tips on how to apply differentiated instruction in eLearning, this article is for you! In designing effective eLearning courses, it’s important to keep in mind that all learners aren't equal. While we all share the same 24 hours […]


25th April 2023

9 Study Tips for eLearners
1. Develop a regular study schedule. Set aside time every day for studying, whether it is an hour or two, and stick to it. Plan to use this time every day and treat it as an appointment that you can’t miss or reschedule. You may find that some days you can’t make the full time, […]


24th April 2023

Where Can I Get Good Tutoring for High School?
Live online learning is gaining more and more popularity as a form of educational training. However, this form of learning does not offer the same benefits as self-paced learning. Learn which methods of online learning work best for you and your organization. Self-paced learning is a great option for those who Have prior experience in […]


24th April 2023

The Effective Blended Learning Strategy
It is important to know that blended learning has become a significant part of the education system in recent years. This means that it has become more important for students to be able to understand how to approach this type of education and how they can effectively take advantage of it. While there are some […]


24th April 2023

Learning Goals: The Why and the How
What is a learning goal? Learning goals are the answers to the question, “Why am I doing this?”. They explain why we are learning something and give students direction. They can be thought of as a mini-learning objective and they must be worded in such a way that students can easily see how they will […]


24th April 2023

5 Simple Ways to Convert Content into eLearning Material
The content that you create for your online course can be used to create eLearning material as well. Here are 5 simple ways to convert content into eLearning material: 1. Record the Instructor's Voice One of the easiest ways to convert content into eLearning material is by recording the instructor's voice. This is a great […]


24th April 2023

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