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Pekerjaan part-time atau paruh waktu merupakan sarana yang bisa dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk menambah penghasilan serta belajar mendapatkan pengalaman untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Perkembangan teknologi dan media sosial yang begitu pesat menjadikan mahasiswa dengan mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan part-time yang dapat diperoleh dari website ataupun aplikasi job portal. Apakah Mahasiswa Perlu Bekerja Part-Time? Perlu atau tidaknya […]


23rd April 2023

obstacle 1609239197
A good tutor is able to deliver a subject to his student in a way that makes sense to the student and causes the student to want to learn more. There are a few things that I think make a good tutor. A tutor should be able to explain concepts in a simple way that […]


24th April 2023

coffee 1609222291
A cup of tea is another popular choice for those who want to stay awake. However, the caffeine content of tea is also relatively low. Hours of sleep is the best way to stay alert, but if you're looking for healthy alternatives, here are some options: Taurine According to a study published in the "Journal […]


24th April 2023

pexels budgeron bach 5153997
First, you need to know how to conduct a first lesson. Be prepared on the materials and tools of the lesson. Try to make it fun and give comfortable atmosphere on the class. To create a good relation between the student and teacher furthermore. There are several things that you may want to do in […]


24th April 2023

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