Don’t Stop Them – Video Games are GOOD for Your Kids!

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Don’t stop them – Video Games are GOOD for your Kids!

I think the majority of parents will agree that playing video games is a big part of their kids’ lives. It’s also pretty much guaranteed that the first thing they hear from the school or other adults about video games is how bad they are for kids. I believe video games are a wonderful way to help your child grow and develop in many ways.

1) Video Games Can Teach Your Child New Skills

Yes, you read that right! It’s no secret that many popular video games require quick reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

However, it’s often overlooked just how much children can learn from these activities. The next time your child plays their favorite game, try to watch them play without them knowing it and see if you can notice any new skills they may have learned or even perfected while playing.

You might be surprised at what you find! If your child enjoys shooting or racing games, then take advantage of this and teach them real-life gun safety rules or help them understand what it feels like to drive on a busy road with too many cars in front of you!

Teach them how to play nice with others online by showing them how important teamwork is in a game like Call of Duty or Halo. The possibilities are endless!

2) Video Games Can Help Children Develop Social Skills

If you’re concerned about your child spending too much time alone playing video games, don’t be! Many online multiplayer games require players to work together as a team in order to win the game.

This teaches children how to work together and make friends with people they may not have known before without forcing them into an uncomfortable situation. If you think about it, this is really important in today’s world where technology has allowed us all to be more connected than ever before yet still somehow less connected than we used to be.

One example of this type of game would be League of Legends which my son absolutely loves! He has made so many friends through his gaming experiences that he no longer needs me as his coach.

When it comes time for him to make new friends at school since he already has so many online friends who he loves playing with all day long – just like we do when we play together!

3) Video Games Can Help Children Learn About The World Around Them

There are a number of video games that have educational value. Games like Math Blaster and Carmen Sandiego have been around for decades and have helped kids learn how to do math and geography. There are also a number of games that help children learn about science and other subjects.

While these games are great, I would caution parents to make sure they know what their child is playing since there are a lot of educational games out there that are very boring or even offensive to some.

4) Video Games Can Help Children Build Their Imagination

The ability to imagine things in our minds is something that most adults take for granted. As children, we use our imaginations every day to make up stories and adventures that we would like to have happen in the future.

Unfortunately, as adults, we tend to let go of this skill because it becomes easier for us to rely on real life experiences rather than try to imagine what it might be like if something happened differently than it did in real life.

While video games may not teach children how to imagine things on their own, they do provide a fantastic platform for children to use their imaginations and build their storytelling skills.

In summary, there are many ways that video games can help your child develop in positive ways. They are not bad for kids and they can even be a lot of fun!

So the next time you hear someone telling you that video games are bad for your kids, I hope you will remember this article and have a few facts to help back up your argument.

Read more post about Can video games improve cognitive function for your child? and other posts on Cudy Blog page.

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