Freshman Year: 4 Pro Tips For You

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023

4 Ways to Make the Best of Your Freshman Year

The first year of college or the freshman year is an exciting time, but it can also be difficult. As a college freshman, you're expected to learn how to be away from home, budget your time and money, and balance studying with social activity.

Additionally, you need to make friends and figure out the best way to get around school. Your freshman year in college will be over before you know it, and you'll have a whole new set of challenges ahead.

How to Find Extra Opportunities During College as Freshmen Year

School life at university is not all about studying and making new friends. There are a few things that you can do to enjoy your college experience.

1. Join extracurricular activities for freshman year

4 Ways to Make the Best of Your Freshman Year
Photo by Armin Rimoldi on Pexels

You may be too lazy to be active in campus outside of studying. However, you should still consider taking part in a few campus activities. They are one of the main aspects of college life, so you should not miss out on them.

Try joining one of the sports teams on campus. There are many different types of sports, so there's something for everyone. This will help you meet new people and improve your fitness level.

If you're not into sports, you could try joining some other campus community that's in tune with your interests. You could also join the student government.

You'll make friends and learn new skills while improving your study habits. Extracurricular activities can also be a great way to build a resume when you graduate.

3. Volunteer since you are in freshman year

You don't have to go far from campus to find people who need your help. If you're interested in the environment, you can volunteer with the local recycling center.

If you like animals, you can reach out to a local animal shelter and offer to walk dogs or clean out the animals' cages.

There are no piles of important work that needs to be done, and college students can make a difference by lending a hand where they can. You can also get a part-time job to get more working experience.

4. Spend time with your friends as freshman year students

Your friends are an important part of your life, and it's important to spend some great time with them regularly.

You might also want to start finding out how you can help each other succeed in school and life. If one of your friends needs help studying for a test, then be sure to offer some assistance.

If you know someone great at history, ask for help understanding the material better and return the favor when it comes time for someone else to learn something new.

How to Make the Most of Your Freshman Year of College

1. Figure out your schedule as freshmen year

Most schools will give you a map of the campus and your class schedule, but it's still helpful to get an early handle on where everything is.

Start by talking to your professors and getting a feel for which classes you'll need to take each semester.

Some classes are only offered once a year, so make sure you're making the right ones at the right time.  Next, start looking at the bus schedules and walking times between buildings.

You'll also want to find out if any of your classes are in buildings that are not connected by sidewalks or if you have to take a shuttle somewhere else for another class schedule.

It's also good to figure out what the general study areas are like on campus.

Typically, there are a few places where students study together or alone, but make sure there's no major distraction like construction or loud music nearby.

2. Make friends with your roommates

4 Ways to Make the Best of Your Freshman Year
Photo by George Park on Pexels

The best way to make friends is to move in with people you already know or have similar interests. If you're coming to a new campus alone, though, you'll need to make friends with your roommates.

When looking for roommates, it's best to choose someone at about the same academic level.

This way, neither of you will get frustrated if the other is always studying or always out partying. 

Once you've moved in together, try to get a good idea of what the other person's schedule is like and what he or she does on weekends.

Ensure that there are some shared interests and that both feel comfortable talking to each other about school, work and home.

If possible, go out of your way to help each other when it comes time for tests or papers. Remember that roommates are people just like you, and they'll need help understanding their class schedule too!

3. Make sure you’re eating healthy

One of college life's biggest challenges is figuring out a healthy diet. It's easy to get tired after a long day of classes, so you may be tempted to stop by McDonald's or Taco Bell on the way home for a quick meal. But eating fast food too often can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

It's best to invest in a few good cookbooks that will help you make healthy versions of favorite foods, like pizza, tacos or cookies.

Look for recipes with whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

If you're not sure how to cook, take a health nutrition class and learn about what goes into making good food choices.

It would be best if you have plenty of time in the morning to eat breakfast before your first classes or courses starts.

4. Stay active

Staying active is one great way to keep yourself happy and trim down any excess weight you may have gained while studying for tests.

If you're not a fan of team sports, try to get involved in a club or community related to your major or something else you enjoy.

You'll also want to make sure that you're getting enough sleep and if you have trouble sleeping at night, take some time each day to stretch or do some other kind of quiet activity.

One essential thing to remember about university is that there's always something going on, so be sure not to burn yourself out with studying and time spent on activities. Listen to your doctor's advice.

You may want to take a break now and then just so that you can relax and recharge your batteries. 

As a new student, you have to learn everything from scratch, and you may face some challenges, but with the help of these tips, you can easily achieve your goals.

There are many things to expect from university or school life, but if you keep yourself motivated and aware of the things you have to do, you will surely make the best out of your freshman year.

Enjoy your college experience, reach your goals, learn together with Cudy!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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