Here’s How Online Tuition can Increase Your Productivity!

Written By: Cudy

23rd April 2023


Dead Time

Have you ever spent long hours travelling to and fro tuition classes? This time spent commuting is also known as 'dead time' - time spent unproductively. So what can you do to reduce dead time and maximize productivity?


Opt for online tuition classes!

With online tuition classes, you can now save time and eliminate the hassle of travelling! You can now livestream and attend your classes anytime, anywhere using online learning platforms like Cudy, offering online tuition in Singapore. All you need is a desktop or laptop. Yes, it is that simple! 

Lessons end at 1pm and your co-curricular activity (CCA) doesn't start till it's 3pm? You can now spend the time waiting productively by attending livestream tuition classes from school! 

Attending livestream tuition classes not only help you save travelling time but it also helps you save transportation costs! These cost savings can be channelled to fund for more livestream classes to improve you learning! It's a win-win! 


Make it a habit to plan your schedule!

Cudy also provides students with a personalized dashboard that makes scheduling fuss-free. This all-in-one dashboard helps you keep track of your lessons and tasks so that you can easily monitor your academic progress! 

Planning your itinerary daily or weekly helps you stay on track! As you cross off an item on your to-do list, you can quickly move onto the next without any delays hence increasing productivity. This means no more missing of deadlines! 

Start taking control of your learning with Cudy now! Register for a free trial at now!

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Cudy is an online marketplace for real-time learning where students can achieve mastery over their subjects by learning live from educators who are passionate about providing the best learning experience for their students.

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