Homeschooling vs Attending Preschool in Singapore

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

Homeschooling vs Attending Preschool in Singapore

Many parents wonder whether it is better to send their children to preschool or homeschool them. There are pros and cons to both methods.

If you are undecided about what is best for your child, here are some things to consider:

Preschool Consideration

If you want your child to be with other children, then preschool is the way to go. It allows them to interact with other kids in a fun and safe environment.

The social skills they learn at preschool will help them when they enter school and begin interacting with other kids in a larger setting.

Preschool also teaches your child how to follow rules and be responsible for themselves. This can be an invaluable skill for when they begin school as it will help them in the classroom setting.

They will be able to follow directions, complete their work on time, and even clean up after themselves without having to be told by an adult.

Homeschooling consideration

If you would like your child to have a more one-on-one experience with their education then homeschooling may be the best option for you.

It allows your child to learn at their own pace and lets you control what they learn as well as how they learn it. This gives you a lot of freedom in deciding what is taught and how much time is spent on each subject area.

Some people believe that home schooling leads children into a very sheltered life where they do not learn about the real world until later on in life when they enter college or the workforce.

While this may be true for some homeschooled children, others attend local activities such as scouting or youth groups that give them opportunities that many of their peers get at school through clubs or extra curricular activities.

Such as sports teams or plays that encourage leadership skills, teamwork, and community service projects like food drives or fundraising events for charity groups such as Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF).

Homeschooled children often take advantage of many extracurricular activities offered by churches or community centers which give them opportunities not found in traditional schools.

Homeschooling also allows you more time with your children. Because there are no schedules of teacher conferences during the day so there is no reason why they can’t spend the day together.

If both parents work outside of the home full-time (which is becoming more common these days).


In conclusion, it is up to you to decide what is best for your child. Many parents choose to send their children to preschool in order to provide them with the social skills they will need when they begin school.

However, there are some parents who choose homeschooling because they feel that they can give their children a more personalized education at home.

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