How to become a secondary English home tutor?


Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023


The first step is to contact the secondary school or college where you would like to tutor. Some schools have home tutors who have self-employed and some schools employ their own tutors.

Secondary schools have not allowed to advertise their vacancies on the Education Jobs website.

In the past, many schools asked home tutors to do their own recruitment. This is no longer the case.

In fact, schools and colleges now prefer to do their own recruitment and only ask for information about home tutors who they think would be suitable for them.

Once you have contacted the school or college, they will arrange an interview with you. You will need to take some reference letters with you and provide proof of your qualifications and teaching experience.

You may required to sit a short test before being offered a place on the tutor list. Also, yo have to do a trial lesson, which will give the school or college an idea of how you work with children.

Them, you have to sign a contract, agreeing to provide a certain number of hours of home tutoring each week. If you have employed by the school or college, you will also need to follow their terms and conditions.

How much can I earn as a secondary English home tutor?

The amount you can earn as a secondary English home tutor depends on the hours you work and the hourly rate set by the school or college.

Some schools or colleges will pay you an hourly rate for each hour of tutoring. You will need to keep a record of your hours and submit it at regular intervals.

You may also be expected to attend staff meetings or take part in training sessions.

If you enjoy working with children and have the right qualifications, becoming a secondary English home tutor could be a good career move for you.

There are several advantages to being a secondary English home tutor.

You will be able to choose your own hours and work from home. Also, you will be paid a regular salary and get holiday pay.

You may need to attend training sessions or staff meetings, but this is likely to be once or twice a year at most.

Most schools and colleges have their own policies for dealing with bullying and other problems that may arise. You will be expected to follow these policies.

The only real disadvantage of being a secondary English home tutor is that you may not earn as much as you would if you worked in an ordinary school or college full-time.

However, many people who become secondary English home tutors do so because they enjoy the flexibility of the job, rather than because they need to earn a large amount of money.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a secondary English home tutor, contact the schools or colleges in your area.

Good luck!

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