How To Survive a Year as a PSLE Parent

Written By: Cudy

24th April 2023

How To Survive a Year as a PSLE Parent

For those parents who are new to the PSLE, we have compiled a list of tips to help you survive the year:

Set a timetable for your child’s study.

Have him or her do their work first before playing games. Your child will be able to play with his friends after he has completed his work.

Remember that children do not want to get into trouble and so will try their best to finish their work on time.

If your child does not understand something, do not give up on him or her. Try to find the root of the problem, or consult a teacher.

Do not compare your child with other children.

Each child is unique and has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Allow your child to have some free time every day to do what he or she wants to do.

The key is not to stop them from doing what they want, but rather, make sure that they do not spend too much time on these activities. For example, you can limit their computer time to two hours a day.

Give your child some pocket money if he or she wants it.

This will teach him or her how to manage his or her money and make decisions about spending and saving wisely.

This will also teach him or her how to manage his time effectively when he has the money in hand and how he should use it wisely.

Get your child involved in extra-curricular activities such as sports, arts, music and dancing lessons etc., as these are good ways for him or her to learn about teamwork, cooperation and discipline.

This will also help develop his or her social skills which are very important for their future development as well as personal growth

Remember that children are like little sponges; they absorb everything around them like a sponge absorbs water! Be aware of what your child watches on television (which channels) and what books he reads (what stories).

The media may affect the way they think and behave, so watch out for signs of negative influence! A good parent knows that their job is never done. There is always something more that you can do for your child!

You need to be flexible with the methods you use; each method works differently for different children so don’t be afraid to try different things!

The Importance of Family Dinners

One of the most important aspects of family life is family dinners. Which are usually held at night after work hours.

When all members of the family return home from work at around 6pm – 7pm every day during weekdays (and even on weekends!).

Family dinners have been proven by psychologists to strengthen family bonds between parents and children, between siblings, etc., while strengthening their relationships with each other (by eating together).

They can also reduce depression in parents by allowing them some “time off” from work stress every day!

A meal shared by a family brings everyone closer together emotionally and spiritually!

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